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category: offtopic [glöplog]
Went to see this yesterday. Awesome movie. Mind boggling VFX.

Anyone else see it?
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George Clooney and Sandra Bullock? Effects would have to be good to get past that hurdle.
added on the 2013-10-31 08:12:08 by ringofyre ringofyre
Spoiler alert :
added on the 2013-10-31 10:03:21 by flure flure
Wanna see it, too. I hope all that hype doesn't destroy the experience for me. :(
added on the 2013-10-31 10:06:15 by elend elend
Spoiler alert :

I meant Spoiler alert
added on the 2013-10-31 10:09:18 by flure flure
Someone had to post that link. :-D
added on the 2013-10-31 14:21:49 by Zavie Zavie
Thought it was a true story at first, but hopefully I noticed too early it's like The Onion news.
added on the 2013-10-31 15:37:36 by Optimus Optimus
I have seen it.. Amazing scenery and special effects. The 3D is mindblowing..

Danny/TBL had btw a big hand in creating the Spaceshuttle, ISS spacestation and Earth.
added on the 2013-10-31 19:03:27 by magic magic
magic: in the movie or real life?
added on the 2013-11-01 14:06:26 by psonice psonice
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added on the 2013-11-01 14:13:26 by trc_wm trc_wm
added on the 2013-11-01 14:15:29 by ferris ferris
Psonice: this thread is about the movie.. so in the movie ;)
added on the 2013-11-01 18:07:53 by magic magic
i saw the movie yesterday, didn't see a big hand anywhere. you liar
added on the 2013-11-01 18:57:06 by el mal el mal
Maali: you should have read the credits scroll at the end of the movie hahahaha :)
added on the 2013-11-01 19:26:12 by magic magic
Seen yesterday evening, quite amazing but a bit short.
added on the 2013-11-01 19:41:49 by Sylvao Sylvao
I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
added on the 2013-11-01 19:58:46 by Gargaj Gargaj
Is it a historical movie?
added on the 2013-11-01 21:02:24 by cruzer cruzer
Gravity is a ripoff of this 1960's B-movie classic.
added on the 2013-11-01 21:24:53 by Forcer Forcer
Yeah, really a ripoff.
added on the 2013-11-01 22:21:26 by Rob Rob
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added on the 2013-11-01 23:00:40 by baah baah
Seen yesterday evening, quite amazing but a bit short.

That's what she said.
added on the 2013-11-01 23:03:56 by Y0Gi Y0Gi
It's the first movie I saw in 3D and it did not disappoint. One of the few things that seemed weird was the tears not sticking to the skin and instead flying straight into space.
added on the 2013-11-01 23:50:40 by Rob Rob
Went to see it tonight. The 3d is truly well made, some absolutely mindblowing scenes. The movie itself is above average but suffers from all the typical hollywood clichés. With just a little more taste applied it could have been a masterpiece.
added on the 2013-11-02 01:33:07 by algorias algorias
leave the cinema after about 30 mins or become rageguy :)
added on the 2013-11-02 07:35:33 by abductee abductee


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