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FOCUS - Super Hexagon - Bytebeat

category: music [glöplog]
I've been into Bytebeat for the last few weeks. I decided to try to make something on a slightly larger scale.

FOCUS - Super Hexagon
And also
the minified Version(3452 bytes without any optimizations beyond removing comments and newlines)

I'd be happy to hear any and all feedback. I still have to figure out some things to perfect my Bytebeat skills. This also can be minified much further, which will be my next challenge.

added on the 2013-10-07 13:51:35 by Qqwy Qqwy
i sure last longer than in super hexagon on that page!
added on the 2013-10-07 14:19:45 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
Amazing :D.

Although, I'm sure that some people will claim that this is no longer bytebeat what with all the comments and the sheer volume of code that went into this. I think it's cool, though :).
added on the 2013-10-07 14:20:01 by elfan elfan
@elfan Well, it's about 1/1000th the size of the original song.

I put all the comments there to make it able for people to follow what is going on, even if they are new to Bytebeat. I am also sure that, with a bit of work, the size can be reduced to about 2 kilobytes.
added on the 2013-10-07 15:32:05 by Qqwy Qqwy
By the way, I just uploaded this to GitHub. If anyone is interested to check it out there and of course create any issues or requests ^_^.
added on the 2013-10-07 16:05:27 by Qqwy Qqwy
I am working on a guide detailing some of the techniques used here. Although most of it is 'standard' DSP stuff there was lots that I didn't know before I made this. The original Bytebeat topic had lots of info, of course.

But did you for instance know that the fastest, easiest and shortest way to create a Triangle wave is to simply take the absolute value of a Saw wave?
added on the 2013-10-14 22:10:44 by Qqwy Qqwy


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