distance/tpolm/bC!/Calodox/Satori/Lackluster demo-discography now online
category: general [glöplog]
Hi, I decided to move my demodiscog from http://scene.org/~esa/demodiscog to http://www.lackluster.org/demos
Since most of the screenshots are from pouet.net, I thought to post about it here. Unfortunately, I was never really able to get certain demos to work 100% fully in order to be able to post videocaptures on YouTube (3State: H3O Breather, INF: Space Travel or Exceed: Haikku)
Eerily enough, there's even a missing demo (Macaw: Bonus) that's not even on pouet! wow.
and of course the skraappaskruuppi intro that everyone hated, and Kibosh's demo Melange never had a screenshot.. same with 7p+'s Flate
Yours, Esa
Since most of the screenshots are from pouet.net, I thought to post about it here. Unfortunately, I was never really able to get certain demos to work 100% fully in order to be able to post videocaptures on YouTube (3State: H3O Breather, INF: Space Travel or Exceed: Haikku)
Eerily enough, there's even a missing demo (Macaw: Bonus) that's not even on pouet! wow.
and of course the skraappaskruuppi intro that everyone hated, and Kibosh's demo Melange never had a screenshot.. same with 7p+'s Flate
Yours, Esa

from the website:
hmmm.... time to listen to some music.
All albums on http://lackluster.bandcamp.com/ are now Pay-What-You-Want till the end of 2013 (or until I run out of free downloads).
hmmm.... time to listen to some music.
wysiwtf: cheers! :)
hope you enjoy them. some of the tunes will be familiar, others will be new. (yep, for some reason, .s3m / .it / .xm stuff did tend to get released on vinyl + cd for no other reason than people liking them and wanting to release em...)
hope you enjoy them. some of the tunes will be familiar, others will be new. (yep, for some reason, .s3m / .it / .xm stuff did tend to get released on vinyl + cd for no other reason than people liking them and wanting to release em...)
Nice going Esa :)
Hi Esa, nice work. By the way, I really love your music! :D
the lack of a video capture from the alien bananas from kruptun is welcome :)
fab :) \o/
psenough: however, lack of screenshot? :)
can't run dosbox on OS X Mavericks..
you know what's utterly nutty? that porno one invitation was a song by carebear, not by me. i was involved in jouluporno96. but even then it was just a loop.