Playstation 4 - Xbox 1 demos (neoGAF thread)
category: general [glöplog]
So, either you don't understand what he's saying, or you're simply not listening. Or a combination of both. :)
Sorry for not being clear enough then. My point was this: The article in Kotaku pointed both here and to the GAF thread. If someone who shares mine and (perhaps just) a few others wish for console demos reads this, maybe they will work towards that goal. That can be others who want to make demos, some crazy dudes in Sony or MS or whoever. If more people want something, the more likely it will happen.
What Smash does or doesn't think is kind of not the end all or be all in this regard. Anyway. I think he´s just a bit miffed today. He´ll come around and start working from the inside to make it happen. That applies to you and Bonzaj too. Use the force, dudes, and stay away from the dark side.
(come on. let a guy dream)
(come on. let a guy dream)
Let a guy CODE.
'Cos that's what's gonna make it happen. Standing around looking sad and hoping that Captain Actually Does Something saves the day will not.
Quote:the point is I'm not quite so convinced your PC-friends are the only people capable of making worthwhile demos
Oh snap, you're RIGHT! Oh wait -- he never stated such a thing. Nice straw man, but no dice.
Ok maybe the handful of good people aren't his friends, that wasn't really the point though. And unlike you he didn't seem to disagree with my interpretation of his words but instead reiterated it. And is free to his opinion, whatever.
Are you talking to me? I got this debate started. I thought that was kind of a nice initiative. If I have more power over MS and Sony than I realize, please share.
My ^ post was aimed at Gargaj btw.
PolarGamer: Gargaj is just tired of people who ask / expect "someone" to do things to move the world into a better place. He believes if you want something to actually get done anytime soon you should do it yourself instead of whinning/complaning/hoping for "someone" to wave pixie dust around. And i agree with him. Discussion is fun and all, but at the end of the day wishful thinking won't change corporate policy. In same spirit no demo will code itself.
Oh and gloom if it makes you feel any better... A lot of people, especially in America, aren't talking about a literal genre of music when they say "dubstep". They are rather using it as an adjective synonymous with "crap". Kinda like "techno" back in the day (they weren't talking about Derrick Saunders).
P.S. This should not be interpreted as my own opinion on the song, I've not heard it.
P.S. This should not be interpreted as my own opinion on the song, I've not heard it.
We all know Americans know fuck-all about electronic music so who gives a fuck what they say?
And I told polar gamer to make a demo about it like 2 pages back. He could've applied for a free devkit in the time he used to write all these words.
Hi Gloom! :)

fuau: so far, I've distilled it down to "IT'S LOUD AND CONTAINS DISTORTED BASS" to be the common denominator. Nowever, and I still maintain this: Pouet should know better.
Nowever, and I still maintain this: Pouet should know better.
gloom: comon man, it's _pouet_. it's youtube for exes nowadays. :)
hmm... i think of it as dubstep, and i still think of dubstep as just a sub-genre of drum + bass. Seriously, why do we need a million really similar genres to buttonhole everything up with?
embed the youtube video instead of a screenshot for the next Pouet update please ;-)
Those dust clouds were nice, if you ask me. Don't mind me, just passing by... :p
And I told polar gamer to make a demo about it like 2 pages back. He could've applied for a free devkit in the time he used to write all these words.
I recommend okkie, Gargaj and psenough to read my first post again (OP). And what´s up with the attitude? Did I step on toes or something? I know it´s the intertubes and all but jeez. Serenity now.
I think we answered the OP a few times - it'd take Sony to do something that's economically unviable. If they do it, great, but I wouldn't count on it.
PolarGamer: my guess would be that they probably have a low tolerance towards accounts created a few days ago with "Gamer" in the name, storming in with ignorance-guns blazing in a thread they do not belong, nor have anything at all sensible to contribute to.
But, that might just be me.
But, that might just be me.
Discussion is fun and all, but at the end of the day wishful thinking won't change corporate policy. In same spirit no demo will code itself.
Or in other words, at some point you have to stop talking and go make it happen. Making it happen means making it happen, not trying to convince other people to make it happen :)
psonice: it wouldn't hurt if people could wake up and smell the damn coffee and realize that the demoscene has enough of a struggle with its output volume as is, and that throwing new platforms at it is likely to do little to help. Probably the opposite will happen. Believe it or not, but "a new, fixed hardware platform" is not the silver bullet so many seem to think it is.
PolarGamer: my guess would be that they probably have a low tolerance towards accounts created a few days ago with "Gamer" in the name, storming in with ignorance-guns blazing in a thread they do not belong, nor have anything at all sensible to contribute to.
But, that might just be me.
After six pages of discussions, some of it fruitful, we have gone from not talking about scene productions on nextgen consoles (and if it´s even possible) to almost having a conclusion on the subject. It´s a topic I started and I still think it was a good idea. Along the way Kotaku made a post about it too - not totally successfully - in trying to further the debate.
I don´t know if not "having anything sensible to contribute" is the right description but you are entitled to your opinion.
gloom: can't see it'd do any harm. If there's a new platform, people will either make something for it, or they'll make something for what they're already working on. It's possible the new platform could expose some new people to the scene and it'd grow a bit even. Which is all pointless anyway, since it's not going to happen ;)
PolarGamer: well, it's pouet - everyone has an opinion and everyone's an asshole.
Don't take it personally, but there's a problem that's endemic to pouet: it's slowly morphed over the years from a scene/community website where the majority of people were actively involved in making things that contributed to that scene, into a website where the vast majority of people are not contributing anything much at all - but still have the same enlarged sense of entitlement as if they were an active peer member of the community.
It happens so often that someone voices an opinion on something or asks for / demands something they themselves have no desire to ever put any work into, that it wears thin on the people who are putting effort into doing things.
When you've come and asked here about demos on nextgen consoles, i think in general it's a good question and it's kindof flattering that there's any interest at all from outside the scene. and then it descended into the usual pouet infighting. :)
Don't take it personally, but there's a problem that's endemic to pouet: it's slowly morphed over the years from a scene/community website where the majority of people were actively involved in making things that contributed to that scene, into a website where the vast majority of people are not contributing anything much at all - but still have the same enlarged sense of entitlement as if they were an active peer member of the community.
It happens so often that someone voices an opinion on something or asks for / demands something they themselves have no desire to ever put any work into, that it wears thin on the people who are putting effort into doing things.
When you've come and asked here about demos on nextgen consoles, i think in general it's a good question and it's kindof flattering that there's any interest at all from outside the scene. and then it descended into the usual pouet infighting. :)
1) the consoles aren't really far from pc's. technically and programmatically it's not really a big shot being that different "platform".
2) devkits for free are good. but getting code to run on it involves having to pay a cent to get the company to release the demos which breaks the being "for free and fun" spirit of the scene. breaking and opening the platform for everybody usually ends in commercial disaster for the companies. that's what they don't want. so why force it?
3) kotaku's comments showed that reception of the "art of demoscene" is still not really recognized by gamers. which goes back to the point. leave the consoles for gaming. game developers might just demo game graphics on it. sceners demoing on it is just a lil too small achievement in that territory. imo.
if i forgot or missunderstood something please correct me.
nah.. i don't really care. :D
1) the consoles aren't really far from pc's. technically and programmatically it's not really a big shot being that different "platform".
2) devkits for free are good. but getting code to run on it involves having to pay a cent to get the company to release the demos which breaks the being "for free and fun" spirit of the scene. breaking and opening the platform for everybody usually ends in commercial disaster for the companies. that's what they don't want. so why force it?
3) kotaku's comments showed that reception of the "art of demoscene" is still not really recognized by gamers. which goes back to the point. leave the consoles for gaming. game developers might just demo game graphics on it. sceners demoing on it is just a lil too small achievement in that territory. imo.
if i forgot or missunderstood something please correct me.
nah.. i don't really care. :D