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category: residue [glöplog]
all of you are clearly underestimating this guy, he's not just a rambling idiot, he's probably a rambling nazi idiot! just read this enlightening quote from his blog:
i was just having had done, what i should have done long time ago – it’s very important to get to know – that mostly of those “living people” are in reality only sad trickers. why should we hide our knowledge – because some jewish apes, like to fool around with that? that’s really not my problem, if you fall into traps of some liars. you have to check out yourself, where is the creative idea-giver, and what individuum just likes to make ape out of you – to control your mind – to a lower state. i WONT step down.
added on the 2013-09-16 19:01:02 by havoc havoc
Yeah he seems to be somewhere between Ohase and Breivik... Also he seems to have mailed "questionable content" and Mails to various parties email addies (ours included). Best to put on your ignore-glasses.
added on the 2013-09-16 19:24:24 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
Maali: dunno, all that my brain can comprehend from this thread is this:

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added on the 2013-09-16 19:25:19 by zoom zoom
Wait a minute, so me, the jewish ape, controls his mind??? Nice!
I must understand how exactly do I do that! This is going to be super effective with girls!
added on the 2013-09-16 19:29:47 by TLM TLM
fascinating, jews are pretty advanced apes if they master the arts of mind control!!!!
added on the 2013-09-16 19:30:37 by el mal el mal
tlm: while you're at it, can you make this nutter focus on harassing his local pigeon club instead of the demoscene in general plz khtxbye :)
added on the 2013-09-16 19:35:11 by havoc havoc
havoc: WIP
added on the 2013-09-16 19:44:59 by TLM TLM
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added on the 2013-09-16 20:35:36 by Tomoya Tomoya
yo - fuckers - or what?

thx for the hint @ nerve.

serpent the little fish - tries to make.

wysiwtf is not living without glasses.

TLM is not the "ONE".

Maali - shows no respect to other species at all.


conclusion 9:02pm - no sceners till now have answered -

only those


i will look on!

added on the 2013-09-16 23:03:13 by miller84 miller84
lmao, of course he's a retarded nazi as well. Oh pouet, the idiots you attract :swoon:

Also, why is this dude not banned yet? Yolo?
added on the 2013-09-16 23:13:58 by okkie okkie
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Ho my God.......To hot for scene

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Here I found some more verbal diarrhea from this lunie: http://pastebin.com/3Tg7LHzn - annoying that he combining the most incredible racist diatribes with ocasionall demoscene references.
added on the 2013-09-17 01:15:33 by afromies afromies
afromis: it says it's a lecture script, dafuq??? this unstructured, completely idiotic writing? also: pre-dipl. inf...

ofc arvenius is right, ignore glasses welcome here :)
added on the 2013-09-17 12:29:16 by skomp skomp
Less structured than Adok but more manly.
added on the 2013-09-17 12:45:50 by ringofyre ringofyre
They should try a FUSION (as in Goku+Vegeta)

For real, by now i am happy about gargajs choice of administrating pouet a little bit concerning BANs. Eventho i am quite banable at times myself, but i am only trolling and i am not even good at that anyway ;)


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