Sundown 2013
category: parties [glöplog]
must... code... faster... O_o
Testing out the new DJ setup for Sundown tonight

Looking forward to those MODs :)
That looks like cTrix could totally pull another Amigaaaah set there :D
Fingers crossed for the weather!
Does anyone know what graphics card the compo PC has, AMD/ATI or Nvidia?
yzi: remote or coming to the party?
yzi: Dual AMD/ATI 6970 crossfire config.
Not coming, and no remote, because ATI ATI ATI ATI ;) I'll remote submit my compofiller to the other party this weekend. Unfortunately I don't have an AMD system for testing.
@h0ffman: looks good, but amigas doesn't really work as dust covers. You can get proper lids on eBay, seen?
yzi, I'm planning on taking my GTX 580 along too, so may be a solution. Up to RC55/DotWaffle really, as they'll be the ones swapping out the cards.

32 hrs till my plane departs \o/
yzi: Dual AMD/ATI 6970 crossfire config.
Luckily enough, I am coding my entry on my ATI laptop :P
i still suspect that the crossfire setup is problematic. we tested some stuff with and without crossfire, and crossfire setup always yielded a lower performance. what we tested: sphere tracing with post processing and a lot of texture samples involved.
See you fellas there. :)
Does anyone have a mini-display to HDMI cable? (Or a thunderbolt to HDMI which should be the same thing). I have a mac, hopefully an entry, and no cable to connect it up :/
[X] salmiakki vodka imported
[X] music entry
[ ] compofiller demo entry (need 2d gfx!!)
[ ] working laptop
[X] music entry
[ ] compofiller demo entry (need 2d gfx!!)
[ ] working laptop
[x] Famitracker playroutine working
[x] Palette-switcher working
[x] Demo started
[ ] any scenes
[x] Palette-switcher working
[x] Demo started
[ ] any scenes
[x] Audio working
[x] Visuals working
[x] 2.7K left for the actual content (keeping it positive :)
[ ] mini-displayport to HDMI cable to get it onto the big screen
[x] Visuals working
[x] 2.7K left for the actual content (keeping it positive :)
[ ] mini-displayport to HDMI cable to get it onto the big screen
psonice: i'll be bringing mini-displayport to vga and mini-displayport to dvi. projector should have input for at least one of those
evilpaul: awesome. Thanks!
[ ] Time to code
[x] 16col pic in progress
[x] Possibility pic will be finished
[ ] Possibility Atari ST compofiller will be finished
[x] Projection that a good time will be had, regardless of what i finish :)
[x] 16col pic in progress
[x] Possibility pic will be finished
[ ] Possibility Atari ST compofiller will be finished
[x] Projection that a good time will be had, regardless of what i finish :)
does the projector have scart ?