pouet 2.0 migration: aug 14
category: general [glöplog]
Easy: Jan 1st 1970, 0:0:13. :)
Well shit, we're late.
Geeks: Because it is possible to have adorably pedantic arguments about almost every topic imaginable.
Here, just list the date in binary and count by the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Republican_Calendar and nobody will be happy!
Best solution ever.
Back to the revamp, it would be hilarious if everything went pink for the first morning.
And on the serious side, let's all raise a something drinkable at Evoke to the maintainers when this is over.
[ And try not to think about what will happen in 5-10 years when really nothing plays nice with PHP anymore. ]
Here, just list the date in binary and count by the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Republican_Calendar and nobody will be happy!
Best solution ever.
Back to the revamp, it would be hilarious if everything went pink for the first morning.
And on the serious side, let's all raise a something drinkable at Evoke to the maintainers when this is over.
[ And try not to think about what will happen in 5-10 years when really nothing plays nice with PHP anymore. ]
YYYY-MM-DD is usually internationally clear (It's an ISO format atleast).
I tend to find myself writing something like DD/MM-(YY)YY at times when writing as a meat blob since i was bought up that way.
xxDDzz is retarded any way you put the MM and YY.
And yes, we should ditch this stupid rock and go out to other stars and adopt unix timestamps in the process. (since all earth based dates are retarded in that context).
I tend to find myself writing something like DD/MM-(YY)YY at times when writing as a meat blob since i was bought up that way.
xxDDzz is retarded any way you put the MM and YY.
And yes, we should ditch this stupid rock and go out to other stars and adopt unix timestamps in the process. (since all earth based dates are retarded in that context).
...except literally noone uses Y-D-M
Sorry, I meant M-D-Y, which is the US way of doing it.
marmakoide: very good point, it is indeed cultural. This is where my Nordic Conspiracy heritage kicks in I guess. :) DMY 4 LYFE.
At 19:00 CEST tomorrow:

bubye pouet 1.0 You were a pleasant friend.
Random pouet user on August 14, 2013:

Y0Gi: haha, you still believe that pouet will have users tomorrow. how sweet :)
Party at Evoke like there is no pouet anymore... \o/
Let's take over the InfoDesk :3
No no no no no, there is no year 0. It is
..., 3 BC, 2 BC, 1 BC, AD 1, AD 2, AD 3, ...
This is important information.
..., 3 BC, 2 BC, 1 BC, AD 1, AD 2, AD 3, ...
This is important information.
Hm, aug 14 .. erm no, wait .. 14. August is my nameday (according to the Czech calendar) :D
by psonice:
Days: let's have the week in base 7 and add more crazy names. But hey, this isn't much fun, so lets make the number of days in a month be pretty much randomly either 30 or 31. Then let's make just the one month have 28 days, except some years, then it can have 29.
No, not random. Ego-based. February was where those who felt the month named after them should have more days stole them from. The 29 thing is just so that a lucky few can age slower than the rest of us by way of having less actual birthdays ;)
by psonice:
Hours: back to base 12, but we'll have 24 hours in a day instead of the expected 12.
Minutes and seconds: base 60, for convenience.
If you think about it, 60, 12, 24, etc. aren't bad considering the divisions. Quarter of an hour is 15, half is 30, etc. There's more numbers that divide evenly in to these than if we arbitrarily decided something like 100 seconds in a minute, 100 minutes in an hour, etc.
As to those fighting about date formats ... no arguing here. All files, code, and internet stuff I write is YYYY-MM-DD, but the rent check? MM-DD-YYYY.*
* Checks are so dead. A bit strange there isn't a better way to transact that. Even the AAA ("American Automobile Association" not Alcoholics Anonymous :P) doesn't take checks anymore.
I figured since this thread was already more than useless I should throw in my pocket change.
10¢, 25¢ x 8.

Well, it's tomorrow here....
*drums fingers on desk impatiently*
*drums fingers on desk impatiently*
If you set your computer clock forward you'll notice that the random woman thread is gone.
re mog: HELL YEAH
"On the day
The storm has just begun
I will still hope
There are better days to come"
Kudos to all maintainers. Thank you for doing a thankless job.
"On the day
The storm has just begun
I will still hope
There are better days to come"
Kudos to all maintainers. Thank you for doing a thankless job.
are we there yet. :D
oops. a ?
it will do.
it will do.