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fix me beautifull

category: general [glöplog]
please always use bbcode in this thread when refering to broken things.
added on the 2013-08-03 02:53:26 by RDS RDS
added on the 2013-08-03 04:20:31 by Tomoya Tomoya
AssemblyTV already made a nice capture for that 1k:

added on the 2013-08-03 17:18:25 by Salinga Salinga
Salinga I hope you see the difference :) I'm well aware of all the assembly captures. But if there is a better capture out, I see no reason not to post a better one :)
added on the 2013-08-03 17:23:32 by anni anni
Oh, so it's just not the AssemblyTV 720p capture upscaled to 1080p and re-uploaded?
added on the 2013-08-03 17:56:10 by Salinga Salinga
All the captures on my channel are fully captured by myself. Why should I upscale a video that someone else did? Or why should I upload captures that someone else did? (As you do sometimes).
If you were clever, you would notice more detail in my capture compared to the one from asm :) Yes, upscaling gives more detail of course....
added on the 2013-08-03 18:14:27 by anni anni
added on the 2013-08-03 18:40:17 by Tomoya Tomoya
added on the 2013-08-03 19:45:20 by noby noby
added on the 2013-08-03 20:00:22 by Tomoya Tomoya
youtube for 61642
youtube for 61641

added on the 2013-08-03 20:17:24 by fragment fragment
added on the 2013-08-03 20:19:06 by Tomoya Tomoya
please add a second credit "keen" to this prod according to file_id.diz. (during prod submition process it didn't accept a credit without id). thanks.
added on the 2013-08-03 21:39:11 by Digimind Digimind
Well, can't just add a credit for one person, you could add Keen as a group and then just give me the group id to add to the prod. I could do it myself, sure, but hey... do some work yourself. :)
added on the 2013-08-03 21:51:14 by Tomoya Tomoya
Tomoya: thanks for explanation. here's the second credit for adding to this prod
added on the 2013-08-03 22:08:17 by Digimind Digimind
added on the 2013-08-03 22:12:51 by Tomoya Tomoya
added on the 2013-08-04 00:00:50 by Tomoya Tomoya
lol... and then there are those who really think, the video capture of a demo should have a stronger copyright protection than the demo itself - probably because capturing a demo is the REAL accomplishment for the demoscene. And of course: Upscaling gives more detail, as we all learned on CSI... *facepalm*
added on the 2013-08-04 02:30:57 by Salinga Salinga
Please can you add you tube for 61647.

And remove the finger up on my own comment ?!!
added on the 2013-08-04 03:05:37 by p0ke p0ke
youtube added

Unfortunately, I can't change votes, sorry...
added on the 2013-08-04 03:08:41 by Tomoya Tomoya
no worries, thanks.
added on the 2013-08-04 03:09:42 by p0ke p0ke
Any possibility to change the picture ? (too small)
added on the 2013-08-04 03:42:42 by p0ke p0ke
just take a bigger one and post it here, i will replace it
added on the 2013-08-04 03:49:24 by Tomoya Tomoya


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