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category: residue [glöplog]
"Das Bat-Mobil für die ambitionierte Hartz-4-Aristokratie..."
repost but as I read about cameron on the riots again ^^
I didn't realise just how much Prometheus had fucked me off till I decided to dig out the dvds and revisit the Alien films (only the 1st AVP mind you - the second one was shit). Alien still stands as one of the scirest movies you can watch.
I love the atmosphere in Alien. Especially when they walk around the derelict ship. Prometheus had a similiar atmosphere in the first half but unfortunately went totally bonkers in the second half. :_(
ringofyre, elend: That is until you see space balls. From that point onwards, you can't take Alien seriously anymore.
"Hello my baby, hello my darling!"
"Hello my baby, hello my darling!"
@xTr1m: i love this kind of black and white doodling
awesome series
man dankt @sense. bin ich sicher vorbei geclickt. sieht aus wie action. mal wieder was. kiddo anime nervt.
That show looks kinda lame. For some decent animated action/thriller/horror I'd suggest the following shows: