Solskogen 2013
category: parties [glöplog]
Do you plan a livestream?
Planning? At Solskogen?
Gargaj :D.
numtek>thank you very much!
numtek>thank you very much!
Dancing will be like
Massive live sets! Gloom and lug00ber proving that the Norwegians know BASS!
Well fuck me, that was fun.
Yes.. yes it was.
I got the sweaty butt
If anyone has photos or videos from the DJ sets, please share.
@gloom: I have a cleaned/fixed/remastered version of your set (some glitches on the radio). If you want I can upload it for you somewhere. ;)
Salinga: that would be cool - I heard from the SceneSat-guys that it dropped off and some random jazzpop started playing in the middle or something. Sounds ... "interesting" :)
said Stamnes
@gloom: There you go:
PW: "pouet"
Give me info when you have dl it, so I can delete it.
PW: "pouet"
Give me info when you have dl it, so I can delete it.
btw there was a volume drop and the "music-break" you mentioned that I fixed.
Nice Stamnes set :)
said bittin who we met at the age of twelve.
Solskogen compos coming up in about 20 minutes :)
salinga: got the file, thanks a lot!
Hah, ok - the first song was just something lug00ber played as an announcetro and not part of the set, but nice to have that too :)
lol, I wasnt sure, so I kept it. It fitted the style of the mix. :)