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why does this 3ds export cock up so badly?

category: gfx [glöplog]
a picture tells a thousand words, so:
BB Image

that's the problem. on the left, the test mesh as intended. smoothed nicely. after i export this to .3ds and then import, the mesh looks like the one on the right. for some reason instead of 482 vertices the mesh has 762 vertices. so clearly during the export something gets cut up. i seriously have no clue why the fuck 3dsmax is doing this.

any 3ds max users or 3d gurus a clue how i can avoid this? and i NEED to use .3ds as format so don't bother to offer me a bottle of Collada, it's gross. :P
added on the 2013-07-11 15:03:33 by el mal el mal
btw it's just a squeeze-modifier deformed 'capsule' from the extended primitives, in case someone wants to reproduce this for testing in 3dsmax.
added on the 2013-07-11 15:06:56 by el mal el mal
Have you tried collapsing the modifiers/edit history into a simple mesh (or flattening, or whatever it's called in 3ds Max) before the export? Had some trouble with that in one project.
added on the 2013-07-11 15:27:26 by Marq Marq
it looks a common problem : http://lounge.ego-farms.com/showthread.php?t=1513 (materials, modifiers...) merge all and weld if thats a possibility...
added on the 2013-07-11 15:34:41 by skarab skarab
when you use texture coordinates per faces, vertices can be reduced from a mesh with vertex tex. coo. even if you do not use mapping.
added on the 2013-07-11 16:18:39 by Bartoshe Bartoshe
marq: jup. also editable poly or editable mesh makes no difference. (also it aint smooth groups cos working and borked mesh both only have one group)

skarab: if i do that it indeed fixes the problem. but then i'll export again to .3ds. same problem AGAIN, so the data in the .3ds gets borked. having it look good in 3dsmax isnt my concern. having it look good in a demo is! :)

barti: i dont smoke enough weed to follow anything you said for the last 3 years.
added on the 2013-07-11 16:32:06 by el mal el mal
it's deffo something with the .3ds format:
- when i export .3ds and open it in blender. broken mesh.
- when i export .dae and open it in blender. mesh is good.

guess i need that bottle of collada after all :(
added on the 2013-07-11 16:50:21 by el mal el mal
Can blender export .3ds?
added on the 2013-07-11 16:56:25 by psonice psonice
Quads on the left, broken triangles on the right. The quads are probably cut in to 2 pieces when you export and give you some extra vertices and shit.

Try and convert it to triangles before you export to .3ds and see if that helps?
haha. clever idea.. this happens tho:
i import the 3dsmax-generated .dae in blender. export it as .3ds. reset blender for new project, import the freshly exported .3ds and then i see any geometry. *facepalm* when i import that blender generated .3ds in 3ds max, i do get geometry but no normals... *facepalm again*

i now also narrowed down why we had some mesh issues when doing 1 finger, cos i used 3ds as inbetweeny format too. but christ sake :D oh well, i can use .dae as inbetweeny format now, i hope :)

added on the 2013-07-11 17:04:35 by el mal el mal
uh.. i meant to say "then i don't see any geometry" there
added on the 2013-07-11 17:05:45 by el mal el mal
first of all: it's .3ds, it's one paddlerooster of a format for which little actually accurate exporters, importers and loaders exist :)

added on the 2013-07-11 17:12:37 by superplek superplek
Maali: the most popuplar intermediate format is FBX
added on the 2013-07-11 21:10:02 by xTr1m xTr1m
yeah. so popular e.g. blender doesnt support it. fbx is autodesk's poor attempt at mimicing their take on collada. sooo.. i'll use .dae for now. collada is bloated as fuck, but at least it exports everything as it should.
added on the 2013-07-11 22:04:14 by el mal el mal
niels: the problem is. even inside 3ds max itself it cocks shit up and i assume their exporter and importer are the leading standard. so. autodesk -1
added on the 2013-07-11 22:05:56 by el mal el mal
btw, now that i examined this problem a bit further. anything with curvy surfaces is error prone. now i know why there's so many cubes in demos.
added on the 2013-07-11 22:07:34 by el mal el mal
they were the leading standard back when it was the main format, in the dos days
added on the 2013-07-11 22:43:51 by superplek superplek
yeah, i last used it on dos :)

maali: how about modelling in blender and saving as 3ds? Does that work?
added on the 2013-07-11 22:55:57 by psonice psonice
blender does support FBX, but it's several versions behind.
added on the 2013-07-11 23:07:18 by Gargaj Gargaj
Obj? :) The last resort..
added on the 2013-07-11 23:17:00 by smash smash
.x ;)
directly usable in DirectX and is compressed in video-mem :)
if the estimation of the surface normal points (smoothing groups) is buggy this is what happens.

one idea is to average the normals of your object and see if the normals gets fucked up or if there is something else that is wrong. that way you can pinpoint down to where the bug is. or atleast thats what you could do.
added on the 2013-07-12 00:02:28 by rudi rudi
directly usable in DirectX and is compressed in video-mem :)

its stuff like this that really makes my dick fall off
added on the 2013-07-12 00:22:49 by superplek superplek
added on the 2013-07-12 00:23:15 by kusma kusma
Use maya. 3dsmax is a deep dying shit.
added on the 2013-07-12 01:17:47 by skarab skarab


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