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Relationship breakup, what next?

category: offtopic [glöplog]
And btw. I never thought this could happen to me ... :) And it happened again. So I starting to think that I'm unable to have normal relationship where each partner respects, loves and can live with the other. This is already the third case, and that feeling that noone thinks of me every morning is depressing.
added on the 2013-06-24 14:28:19 by aki aki
Sorry to read so, I feel your pain.

Do you think this will take long time?

Most likely, yes, it will.
The good news is: after long enough, how it hurts now will feel very distant compared to how perfectly fine you will feel.

The obligatory suggestion "make a demo about that" doesn't work for me, sadly :(

Well allow me to insist (demo or anything else remotely creative). You might feel useless and unable to start anything now, but you still should give it a try: it might help for one thing, and you might find yourself more inspired and more dedicated in your artwork than usual. YMMV.

The best thing would be not to enter any relationship at all,

Again, that feeling will fade away. Give it time.

Anyway, for now enjoy the hell out of being single again: do all the stuff you couldn't do or didn't have time to do, see all the friends you didn't see as much as you should have, all the stuff you postponed because of your former relationship. Get the best out of it.

P.S.: oh, and resist temptation to contact that person until the pain vanishes. You'd only hurt yourself even more.
added on the 2013-06-24 14:32:59 by Zavie Zavie
Next time you go to the toilet, leave the toilet seat up and giggle a bit to yourself. Won't solve anything, but it's at least one of those little things you at least won't have to worry about anymore :-)
added on the 2013-06-24 14:35:00 by Punqtured Punqtured
Punctured! :-D Made me genuinely laugh.
added on the 2013-06-24 14:36:07 by Zavie Zavie
@Punqtured: Hehehe, this won't probably work for me, because the person who actually cling on the thing that the toilet seat has to be down is ME :DDD (yes, at home I pee when I sit, it doesn't splash the shell by urine drops) :)))

@Zavie: Thanks, I hope time will repair it, and I never know whom I meet tomorrow or in a week, month.
added on the 2013-06-24 14:51:57 by aki aki
time will sort it out and because its happened 3 times doesn't mean its your fault either.

aim to get yourself in the best situation work, social and home life wise (without pushing or trying to force) for improvement of those and your own happiness.
added on the 2013-06-24 15:21:38 by Canopy Canopy
I know the feeling. My gf broke up with me a few weeks back.

I've been feeling dead inside since.
added on the 2013-06-24 19:49:54 by ___ ___
Concentrate on daily survival first: breathing, eating, sleeping, exercising, doing at least something no matter how unimportant.
added on the 2013-06-24 20:14:48 by Marq Marq

For all my past breakups, the Kübler-Ross model (known as 5/7 stages of grief) has been quite accurate, though it might be different for everybody, of course. Look it up somewhere on the net if you are interested in how this seems to work out for most people.

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Note how there is no label on the time axis ;) For some it takes 2 weeks, for others it's a year.
Also, everything the others said is totally true. Take care :)
added on the 2013-06-24 21:03:58 by cupe cupe
I've made this some month ago. It's called Fuck My Life ^^

But that was not because of a relationship breakup but THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD. Hope watching this will make you think about something else some seconds.
added on the 2013-06-24 21:35:11 by Romain337 Romain337
Next time you go to the toilet, leave the toilet seat up and giggle a bit to yourself. Won't solve anything, but it's at least one of those little things you at least won't have to worry about anymore :-)

Excellent :)

(now be a man and leave it up all the time, it's not you who needs it down by default right?)
added on the 2013-06-24 22:18:12 by superplek superplek
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added on the 2013-06-24 22:57:55 by Gargaj Gargaj
Factor6, judging from your handle, maybe play a round of Turrican? :-)
added on the 2013-06-24 23:27:51 by noname noname
I like to listen to some "Shellac of north america" songs about this:
Shellac - Prayer to god
Shellac - Canaveral
added on the 2013-06-25 14:47:42 by krabob krabob
You got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.
added on the 2013-06-25 21:05:10 by trc_wm trc_wm
So I starting to think that I'm unable to have normal relationship where each partner respects, loves and can live with the other.

The fact is... you're not supposed to look for a normal relationship. You're not even supposed to look for a relationship. The future is most certainly to give you one at least relationship, and most probably many relationship. And the most amazing thing in life is that it shouldn't be supposed to be "normal relationship" but some relationship of some sort.

You think you're unable to handle a normal relationship. Maybe you'll have some weird relationships. And maybe one great weird relationship.

Also, you might consider this other fact: Many people who are involved into a long-term relationship sometimes dream of being single... and vice versa. Being into a relationship isn't something mandatory but it's almost unavoidable at some point because it's when you expect the least you get the most.
I don't know if you or she broke up but the one beeing dumped normally is left with a bashed self-esteem. Naturally, we want to correct that.

I think a good way to do that is writing a long letter to her explaining in every detail what went wrong, what she did wrong, what your feelings are and what you both should do.
The trick is: YOU DON'T SEND IT. (*NEVER!!*)!

By writing the letter, you have something that keeps you busy when your brain just twists around in endless thoughts, you can instead structure these thoughts and by that you can find out a lot about yourself. Develop the letter over time and you will be amazed how it changes the more you reflect.

Once again, even if you think that what you write (or want to say her on the telephone) is reasonable: it is not, so don't send/say it.

Don't forget that even if she dumped you, she will feel bad for some time and will probably not be open for any "reasonable" arguments.

By the way, I use this method always when I'm really angry with someone, no matter what it is. And the more you do this, the less you get angry with people. :-)
added on the 2013-06-25 22:32:32 by novel novel
eat cake mix!
added on the 2013-06-25 22:39:33 by el mal el mal
"stop whining!" /arnold
added on the 2013-06-26 08:30:39 by reed reed
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added on the 2013-06-26 09:02:03 by Serpent Serpent
some stuff that might help getting through the first weeks:
playing some awefully time consuming computer games, watch the movies you could not watch with your ex, embrace pornography, enjoy some excesses going out and staying out all night, and pretty much everything else that has been said already. my personal advice: don't push all the suffering away. somebody once said "where there are no tears there has not been love" (can't remember where i heard it though, but it's true)
added on the 2013-06-26 19:58:19 by jco jco
Thanks for support. I think it's better now, after a week or so, but still, I'm not completely ok. I've been to a c64 party with scene friends last weekend, it was good. When I came back home, thoughts of loneliness returned to my head. I tried to sleep a lot, I was bored by everything. And it's lasting. I guess I'll spend the weekend lying in bed and looking at the ceiling. Well, I'll try not to do this, but still. I watch films I've seen before because I like them, and I think it's wasting of time during watching them. I stare to facebook and i really know it's wasting of time, but many of my friends are there so it's the best option to be in contact with them. But of course, the majority of them are not real friends, just people I know or I've seen some day. I'm quite in doubt if I have a real friend, who would help me if needed. You know, such a guy/girl who'd come and say "hey, I really know how are you feeling, don't worry, let's do something nice/funny/whatever together and maybe the hurt stops". The best thing is to complain here or somewhere, to let people know of my problems. If I didn't write, nobody would care. Omg I just think about bullshit aloud. Of course it is my thing, noone here could really help and I should help me by myself. It goes that way. This is sceptic and negative, I know.
added on the 2013-07-04 13:31:29 by aki aki


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