Wanted: Chiptune artists for arts project. Get paid for your tunes! Cologne locals preferred
category: music [glöplog]
I am involved with an artists project at a Cologne based media art school. He is looking for several musicians to create tunes for an electromechanical instrument of sorts. It uses various motors, electromagnets, etc. in an old computer to play music. While not technically a chiptune, there are similar restrictions. There will be 2-3 "melodic" channels, plus a few percussive sounds. The input is a plain midi file.
Contact me at topy (at) untergrund (dot) net for details. Include links to some samples of your work. You need to be able to create a midi file according to the specifications we will provide, the machine only understands a very limited subset of midi. You can use whatever tools you like to create them.
Working on the actual machine directly here in Cologne is preferred, but working remotely might be possible. There is decent pay per tune, though a legal invoice is required.
This is all a bit last minute, so hurry up. :)
(Before you ask, this is not my project, i am only helping with some of the technicalities and helping to get into touch with musicians.)
I am involved with an artists project at a Cologne based media art school. He is looking for several musicians to create tunes for an electromechanical instrument of sorts. It uses various motors, electromagnets, etc. in an old computer to play music. While not technically a chiptune, there are similar restrictions. There will be 2-3 "melodic" channels, plus a few percussive sounds. The input is a plain midi file.
Contact me at topy (at) untergrund (dot) net for details. Include links to some samples of your work. You need to be able to create a midi file according to the specifications we will provide, the machine only understands a very limited subset of midi. You can use whatever tools you like to create them.
Working on the actual machine directly here in Cologne is preferred, but working remotely might be possible. There is decent pay per tune, though a legal invoice is required.
This is all a bit last minute, so hurry up. :)
(Before you ask, this is not my project, i am only helping with some of the technicalities and helping to get into touch with musicians.)
make a demo about it?