Dreamhack Summer 2013
category: parties [glöplog]
some lame gamer party with some cool kids making chiptunes, promised some guy from .nl to go there anyone else going there this year ?
some lame gamer party with some cool kids making chiptunes, promised some guy from .nl to go there anyone else going there this year ?
no, no one is going there.
Well, I could pretend to care enough and then do as bittin does?
I won't make it to Dreamhack this year and also not Birdie
I am considering Dreamhack and Birdie, but not sure if I can afford it after TheParty.
I missed the ferry, but i'll watch the stream for sure!
I think people will be way to busy hacking on OPEN SOURCE POUET.NET to be able to attend Dreamhack.
You missed the Ferry, Bittin?

Oops, misread that. Sorry Dwarf!
just got my bustickets, and think i will ditch Birdie, don't have enough money atm :(
<badjoke>Well, how many money ATMs do you have?</badjoke>
ibland undrar jag om inte bittin har blandat ihop pouet.net bbsen med sin facebook-mur.
Confusing website.
This is the part you want to see:
This is the part you want to see:
Speaking of Dreamhack, Rymdreglage will probably release 8-bit Trip 2 \o/
bah Visa Electron cards don't work for paying the tickets to the party that sucks so i have to call up my dad tommorow :(
ofta undrar jag om inte bittin har blandat ihop pouet.net bbsen med sin twitter-feed.
Du är inte den enda som undrar det.
don't think i will go this summer costs to much and people i wanted to meet ditched so waiting for Dreamhack Winter instead

The gift that keeps on giving
har någon någonsin försökt prata med bittin om det här?
Jag tror det, men det verkar rätt känsligt. Stockholmsscenen vet mer.
Streams: http://www.dreamhack.tv/