scene music stolen
category: music [glöplog]
he went into it with the best of intentions
earx: We're all suckers for attention. Otherwise, we wouldn't be doing demoscene related work at all ;) We're in it for the fame (and the beers, social aspects of parties etc. etc.) and there's absolutely no harm in that :)
Hotline Miami soundtrack vs. Excess - Amoeba soundtrack (from 1:30 onwards).. Coincidental?
break: that arp-sequence is from a sample-CD so it's completely legit. I _think_ it's from "Norman Cook - Skip To My Loops", but I can't actually remember.
Gloom: Ah, I thought it might be something like that. Took me a while to figure out where I had heard that bit before, which is embarassing considering Amoeba is one of my favourite demos from the 2000s :)
I love necro'ing this thread!
Apparently Anni got this copyright dispute claim from YouTube on behalf of what I suppose is an Albanian satellite broadcast provider.

We recently got an email from another person who had a video upload of CT and received the same dispute. According to Anni, they managed to actually block videos of We Crave Sustenance on the same fraudulent basis.
Some weird shit's going down.
Apparently Anni got this copyright dispute claim from YouTube on behalf of what I suppose is an Albanian satellite broadcast provider.

We recently got an email from another person who had a video upload of CT and received the same dispute. According to Anni, they managed to actually block videos of We Crave Sustenance on the same fraudulent basis.
Some weird shit's going down.
The broadcaster apparently has a YouTube channel with like a week's worth of videos; it's like finding a needle in a haystack, but Anni and I are pretty sure they either did a piece about the scene (they seem to have an art-programme) or just used demo stuff for cutaway.

I went completely through each of the "Kompjuteri im" and from what I saw from the thumbnails there when you skip through the video. They had no demoscenish stuff.
But theres a series they have called Arti (art) which might be worth to check out and also the enigma series looks quite demoscenish in some parts
Any help is appreciated to find the origin!
But theres a series they have called Arti (art) which might be worth to check out and also the enigma series looks quite demoscenish in some parts
Any help is appreciated to find the origin!
What the hell?!
It's just so beautiful how trying to govern the Internet is SO fucked up in praxis.
Hey man, you gotta love it! It's for sure entertaining :)
Hey man, you gotta love it! It's for sure entertaining :)
I can confirm the weird shit Gargaj heard from Anni. The We Crave Sustenance video we in PlayPsyCo posted on Youtube ourselves has also been blocked by the same Albanian Digitarses. I have disputed the claim, but guess the demo is unavailable to everyone but me atm...
Seems legit. They bought their shit fair and square from ShockOne :-p
I'd go for the Enigma-stuff. There's plenty of computer graphics in those. Especially Season 1 episode 2 seems to contain a lot of general stuff, that resembles 99% of all demos being released.
For example, this could easily be Brain Control's Turtles All The way Down (microscene) and (macroscene)
And this could _possibly_ be Conspiracy's Chaos Theory Galaxy
And a bit of a long shot here: Kefrens' Desert Dream and just about any demo featuring particles Well - a bit joking should be allowed :)
There's obviously quite some similarities, but I think it's mainly because they do what 99% of the demoscene does. It's anoying as hell, but it would probably never hold in court anyway ;)
Oh - and they did create some rather nice scenes themselves, actually ;)
I'd go for the Enigma-stuff. There's plenty of computer graphics in those. Especially Season 1 episode 2 seems to contain a lot of general stuff, that resembles 99% of all demos being released.
For example, this could easily be Brain Control's Turtles All The way Down (microscene) and (macroscene)
And this could _possibly_ be Conspiracy's Chaos Theory Galaxy
And a bit of a long shot here: Kefrens' Desert Dream and just about any demo featuring particles Well - a bit joking should be allowed :)
There's obviously quite some similarities, but I think it's mainly because they do what 99% of the demoscene does. It's anoying as hell, but it would probably never hold in court anyway ;)
Oh - and they did create some rather nice scenes themselves, actually ;)
It's times like this that I wish the "under penalty of perjury" declaration that they have to make when submitting a copyright claim actually meant "I declare under penalty of perjury that our shitty content detection algorithm has not made a mistake". Unfortunately, IIRC, when you read it carefully, all it means is "we own the TV programme that our shitty algorithm has matched to this video".
(Not that there's much reason for feeling vindictive in this case. In all likelihood, the DMCA appeals process will do its job, we'll wait 10 days, and then they'll go "oops, right you are. Have your videos back".)
(Not that there's much reason for feeling vindictive in this case. In all likelihood, the DMCA appeals process will do its job, we'll wait 10 days, and then they'll go "oops, right you are. Have your videos back".)
Haha - now isn't that just lovely? :D
Props to DigitAlb for promoting watching prods in realtime ;>
gasman: Sure - I'm just curious if they actually nicked our stuff for their rather questionable content programming :)
If they did, I'd go the reverse route and have Youtube block _their_ videos instead, now that they were so nice as to point you towards (possibly) their own copyright infringement ;)
with annis channel now serving a pretty big share of demoscene related videos maybe he should go on a hunt and c&d every motherfucker out there who tries to upload one of the demos he already captured.
knowing youtube its bound to work rather swell
knowing youtube its bound to work rather swell
maybe he should go on a hunt and c&d every motherfucker out there who tries to upload one of the demos he already captured.
Yes, because he has shitloads of free time.
why is it that anni sounds more like a female name to me?
btw: does timbalanding mean stealing tunes without due respect in general, or rather the sampling style he showed a lot, merely cutting a loop and covering it with drums?
btw: does timbalanding mean stealing tunes without due respect in general, or rather the sampling style he showed a lot, merely cutting a loop and covering it with drums?
Oh and that "this could _possibly_ be Conspiracy's Chaos Theory Galaxy" video is the infamous zoom-out scene from Contact :)
I dare to say all of their snippets are from various movies or documentaries.
I dare to say all of their snippets are from various movies or documentaries.
news update:
DigitAlb has checked the formal objection on my captures and retracted their accusation.
Still I don't know why there was an infridgment...
DigitAlb has checked the formal objection on my captures and retracted their accusation.
Still I don't know why there was an infridgment...
YouTube sent DigitAlb's contact email (which is, oddly, at a German domain), but I'm hesitant to spend time on this.