d0r Osten grillt bis der Fuchs pfeift
category: parties [glöplog]
Dresden Scene Meeting 2013? I'm in. :-)
Enjoy the famous canneloni view with d0dge's special meat, have a free Eierschecke as dessert and lose against some random lawer from Baden-Württtemberg in table soccer.
Both dates (22/6, 20/07) sound good to me at the moment.
Enjoy the famous canneloni view with d0dge's special meat, have a free Eierschecke as dessert and lose against some random lawer from Baden-Württtemberg in table soccer.
Both dates (22/6, 20/07) sound good to me at the moment.
22.06. would be nice :)
If dq comes at the 22th, I'm in for that date as well.
Novel I'd bring some Einsiedler,- maybe I can somehow convince KeyJ to attend as well.
Novel I'd bring some Einsiedler,- maybe I can somehow convince KeyJ to attend as well.
It's a date then.
![BB Image](http://triptobreakpoint.untergrund.net/pictures/DresdenSceneMeeting2013.png)
![BB Image](http://triptobreakpoint.untergrund.net/pictures/DresdenSceneMeeting2013.png)
Thuringian meat it'll be then !
Irschendwer muß den Vöcheln ausder Mark Meißen ja'n gescheides Middachessen offtisch'n
Irschendwer muß den Vöcheln ausder Mark Meißen ja'n gescheides Middachessen offtisch'n
leipzscher allerlei? ;) da koennt ooch die ollen erfurter wuerschte neinschmeissn!
What's a BC?
It's a almost drowned PC, apparently Commodore and Amiga float better >:(
And meeting was misspelled, it's a meating!
Oh this sounds promising. I hope I manage to attend this time. Ill bring teh boombox with finest demoscene tunes then and a Rost of course. Cheers PS: I love Eierschecke.
schau mer mal (=
Soche ma bai äusch biebds wo. Do mussschja midder Glabbergiste durschde holbe Rebboplik fawn, nur weschnse Bier. Mo guggng im Geländer obsch do kratn Rüschdung Sähnpladde unnerwähschs sei werd.
Wasn mid der Dresdner Adari Szene?
Wees'sch ne was mid'dm Adari is' , ober uff'm läzt'n Dresdner Mieting worn 'n por Leide von Reflex (C64) un' dor K.W.E. von'dor Y-Crew do.
Ich ho heid midm GiehDschey geschnackt, siehd fei suh aus als ob dar ah mied dorbei is.
Auf dem Müll liegt ein Adaaaari!
Wasse ? Gibts Neinerlah ?
Nah, heid ned - wenns Raachermannl nabeld widdor,- aber kastor dorweilsdn mo deine Drakkpfuhdn waschn gieh - s'Assn is glei ferdsch.
Ich hoffe doch inständig, dass ihr euch, so wir uns zum Grillieren treffen, einer angemessenen und verständlichen Sprache bedient...
Maybe I could come... but only if you guys stop talking that embarassing saxony-dialect.
Niemals! ;)
I know, you can't... even if you would like to.... ;)