Outline 2013
category: parties [glöplog]
bring me a reindeer!
i have evil trade stuff!

jenni: yes, I'd highly appreciate salmiakki. I just have no idea what (from germany) to trade in return.
jenni: Can I interest you in 6 bottles of fine English cider in exchange for one bottle of Minttu? :-)
gasman: I very much approve this trade! Minttu shall be delivered. If I may grant the Cider Fairy a wish, I hope I'll get these in return (found at least in Sainsbury's):

Kabuto: Is beef jerky reasonably priced in Germany? ;) (One bag costs 5+ euros in Finland)
Maali: You mean this?

Truck brought smoked reindeer liver here before Revision. I had a taste (with vodka) at Kindergarden last year and even though it doesn't sound particularly appealing at all, it really tastes quite good!
I'm trying to work out if I can in any way make it to this year's Outline - time is fine, but money might be a bit short, since I'm possibly the only one travelling from Copenhagen. If everything works out, I'd very much like a pack of that smoked reindeer liver. But I'll get back as soon as I've got travel options sorted :)
I'm trying to work out if I can in any way make it to this year's Outline - time is fine, but money might be a bit short, since I'm possibly the only one travelling from Copenhagen. If everything works out, I'd very much like a pack of that smoked reindeer liver. But I'll get back as soon as I've got travel options sorted :)
I'm trying to work out if I can in any way make it to this year's Outline - time is fine, but money might be a bit short
I'm fairly sure that if you started hitch hiking your way down, here based soley on blowjobs, you'd be fine.
I'm fairly sure that if you started hitch hiking your way down, here based soley on blowjobs, you'd be fine.
So that's how dutch people came to danish parties ten years ago!
So what you're saying is, that Okkie's mustache is actually 10 years of rub-off? :D

So what you're saying is, that Okkie's mustache is actually 10 years of rub-off?
Hey now, don't be like that. He can't help himself.
jenni: my local albert heijn sells 25g Jack Link's Original for 1.89eur, in germany it's probably a few cents cheaper
Stuff happening at 11:30? Fick Ja!
that makes me go all jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Airplane tickets booked!
Yeah, we passed the 100 people registration mark!
I'll be arriving and leaving from/to Dusseldorf airport (May 9th at around 8:15am and May 12th 19:15). Is anyone passing through there that might offer me a lift? I can offer paying for gas.
Ticket = 48 (2 unlisted)
Maybe = 5
Probably = 12
Definitely = 42
Beds left for reservation = 37
Ticket = 48 (2 unlisted)
Maybe = 5
Probably = 12
Definitely = 42
Beds left for reservation = 37
Our car broke (while my wife drove it, hehe...)
It's apparently the suspension on one of the wheels, which should be fairly easy to fix. But while the car will definitely be fixed well in time before Outline, I'm not quite sure our economy will. I think we're looking at a ~350 euro extra expense :(
I'll still see if it's at all possible for me to go, but my hopes aren't high :( Probably should be degraded to the "maybe" list.
It's apparently the suspension on one of the wheels, which should be fairly easy to fix. But while the car will definitely be fixed well in time before Outline, I'm not quite sure our economy will. I think we're looking at a ~350 euro extra expense :(
I'll still see if it's at all possible for me to go, but my hopes aren't high :( Probably should be degraded to the "maybe" list.