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category: gfx [glöplog]
While working on my seminar for revision, I was thinking how much the demo scene would benefit from early paintovers for productions in progress. I personally love doing this for fun. It's an amazing way to learn and improve (on both sides). Indeed, I was probably learning a huge chunk from paintovers people did of mine and others work at forums.sijun.com.

To get this started, I want to offer to do paintovers for the first 10 (non-joke) screenshots posted here. Obviously I hope others participate.

In the long run, it would be completely awesome to have invite only topics for upcoming releases that become public as reference once the cats are out of the bag.

What do you think?
added on the 2013-04-03 11:40:03 by pixtur pixtur
Awesome and thanks! Here you go :)

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added on the 2013-04-03 11:41:24 by Preacher Preacher
In the long run, it would be completely awesome to have invite only topics for upcoming releases that become public as reference once the cats are out of the bag.

This would actually be rather awesome. I share a lot of what I am working on with friends and people from the groups I am in, but having that kind of discussion made public later would be quite fascinating.
added on the 2013-04-03 11:43:20 by Preacher Preacher
mail sent
added on the 2013-04-03 14:31:47 by nytrik nytrik
@nytric: haha... But..., but..., that's defying the purpose :-)
Where did you sent the mail?
added on the 2013-04-03 14:45:33 by pixtur pixtur
@preacher: Can't wait to try something dirty with that later tonight :-)
added on the 2013-04-03 14:46:18 by pixtur pixtur
added on the 2013-04-03 16:35:20 by nytrik nytrik
Thanks for the email address. Cue random spam.
added on the 2013-04-03 17:02:52 by p01 p01
'cause the email address wasn't "on the internet" before?
added on the 2013-04-03 17:13:37 by ted ted
p01: No problem. That's on thing I'm very thankful towards google: the spam filter. The ratio is somewhat around 1/10 with surprisingly few false positives :-)

Nytrik: Can I post the stuff here later?
added on the 2013-04-03 17:30:23 by pixtur pixtur
For coders like me, .. what are paintovers?
added on the 2013-04-03 19:05:08 by trc_wm trc_wm
it's like a sleep-over, but when you wake up you find you've been painted.
added on the 2013-04-03 20:00:41 by psonice psonice
@trc_wm: For me it's opening a screenshot in photoshop and running rampart to visualize anything from crazy brainstorming ideas or subtle touches of color-grading.

@preacher: proabbly not what you had in mind... This bauhaus-stuff is tricky...
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added on the 2013-04-03 20:08:59 by pixtur pixtur
Is everything allowed in a paintover? Also cutting, scaling or slicing the image? Or does the original image has to be untouched? (*This sentence doesn't sound like real english ... hmm*)
added on the 2013-04-03 20:18:01 by gaspode gaspode
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added on the 2013-04-03 20:24:29 by pixtur pixtur
@gaspode: I don't think there is a proper definition. I guess it's what's gets a point a across and might help to get a fresh view on things. When working with color-correction, however, it's easier if you can lay the adjusted image on top of the original to figure out the changes.
added on the 2013-04-03 20:27:06 by pixtur pixtur
ok here's my take :)

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added on the 2013-04-03 21:28:41 by zoom zoom
Wow. That's pretty cool.
added on the 2013-04-03 21:32:22 by pixtur pixtur
Whoa, you guys are taking my effect into places I wouldn't have even thought of. I am now completely sold on the concept of giving a screenshot to someone else to paint over. Pixtur's second image is quite like I originally imagined it could be, actually, but what I currently have is quite different from it. I need to think...

Thanks a lot for some new inspiration :)
added on the 2013-04-03 23:37:47 by Preacher Preacher
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Got carried away. Probably completely useless. Let's try again.
added on the 2013-04-03 23:53:46 by pixtur pixtur
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I guess this what you call a one trick pony.
added on the 2013-04-04 00:09:22 by pixtur pixtur
pixtur, i like your one trick though ;)

i was totally in on that paintover idea when you mentioned it in your talk and what i see here just confirms that.

... i just wish there would be some way of doing this kind of thing to early-in-the-making prods without posting spoilers for everyone. as you said, some invite-only thing might work, or maybe just plain old e-mail?
added on the 2013-04-04 00:19:25 by cupe cupe
I adore this thread! keep em comming :D
added on the 2013-04-04 11:18:46 by quisten quisten
Wow, this is really great Pixtur :)
added on the 2013-04-04 11:21:11 by raizor raizor
Yeah. This idea sounded pretty interesting yesterday when there were no pictures in the thread. Now the pictures are here and we can see how it works - it's great :) Big props for doing this pixtur!

The "private forum threads that go public later" idea is cool too. It'd be fascinating to read through say a group's discussion + images while they're developing a prod. Of course not all groups would want this, but it'd be an amazing insight into how demomaking works for different people.
added on the 2013-04-04 11:47:48 by psonice psonice


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