Looking people for working in game industry
category: offtopic [glöplog]
its devided between nerds and people with iron fists who run them
those with iron fists usually do the business stuff so its kinda like working at the office
ie u get shouted at and sweat to meet deadlines
japan is probably the best place for gamedev but thats like so far away and closed in, at least people there seem to have respect for each other more than others
Danguafer: Well I sent you a mail a couple days ago? Like the rest here I'm not going to work for free, however I am interested in what this project is all about.
Situations like these always calls for this
kusma / gist:114899[ ] I will start randomly CAPITALIZING some WORDS in my REPLIES.
Last updated 3 years ago

Kusma: that is pure gold :D
Disclaimer: I did not make that form, and I don't know who did. I only "salvaged" it after flipcode went away.
And you keep saying that this free arrogance is justified by previous events by presuming that I am the same kind of malicious person.
Sorry, but I will not be present at this discussions anymore. I am just out of mood.
Sorry, but I will not be present at this discussions anymore. I am just out of mood.
Sorry, but I will not be present at this discussions anymore. I am just out of mood.
Classic. There is way more collective professional game industry experience and way more relevant points and angles of approach in this thread than what you ever have hopes of pulling in with your INVITATION and it would have all been available to you: free advice that will save you a lot of trouble. And then you throw the classic "I'm not gonna play with you guys".
Who is the arrogant here?
if you guys ever need a VP who plays golf with the big shots, gimme a call ;-)
Working for free on a project where you cannot even give out a tiniest detail on what's it going to be or what exactly is required from the people involved sounds like a very poorly thought approach for getting people interested.
I'm currently working on a game project for free on my spare time and the difference on that project is that the project leader carefully mapped out his plan for the project, showed me a working prototype and all his designs for the project and only asked peopel to participate on a one by one basis when their skills were required.
Even then, it was always clear that he was already spending his own money on the project and didn't even promise any money for anyone. But the organization is transparent, and everybody knows where we are going with it.
You should definitely have something concrete to show to people before you can even think of gathering a team. I'm sorry, but the amount of people you are looking for is farfetched if you've got NOTHING.
I'm currently working on a game project for free on my spare time and the difference on that project is that the project leader carefully mapped out his plan for the project, showed me a working prototype and all his designs for the project and only asked peopel to participate on a one by one basis when their skills were required.
Even then, it was always clear that he was already spending his own money on the project and didn't even promise any money for anyone. But the organization is transparent, and everybody knows where we are going with it.
You should definitely have something concrete to show to people before you can even think of gathering a team. I'm sorry, but the amount of people you are looking for is farfetched if you've got NOTHING.
So am I forced to hear such things? Have I really offended you? I am really sorry about that... And I am not trying to be ironic.
The reason I want to get out of this discussions is that this kind of thing really saddens me. I would take my time and answer any doubt you have, but I will not stand here for being accusated for whatever you want to accusate. I know, as everyone knows, that this kind of project involves risks. But I guess I am the only one here unsatisfied with my current lifestyle to try something different with all I have (read sacrifice).
The reason I want to get out of this discussions is that this kind of thing really saddens me. I would take my time and answer any doubt you have, but I will not stand here for being accusated for whatever you want to accusate. I know, as everyone knows, that this kind of project involves risks. But I guess I am the only one here unsatisfied with my current lifestyle to try something different with all I have (read sacrifice).
Noone said that they feel offended by what you say, you just ignore their reasonable suggestions, and that's probably not the best thing to do, since they come from people with actual experience, who went through similar things like you. If I were you, I'd listen to them instead of just turning away.
umm, people are giving you serious professional advice and all you do is stuck fingers deep into your ears and not listen to them.
So am I forced to hear such things?
It is beneficial for you to learn such things. Getting insight from people who have actually completed big commercial game projects, ie. shipped actual games which si what you want to do, is something that people do actually pay for. If anytihng, you should be grateful that you are getting help here for free. People with true real world experience have already told you how to better get people on your project, what you need and warned you about pitfalls that will happen with money and publsihers. All of that is golden.
Putting fingers in your ears and singing lalalalala will not make any of the things that we spoilsports here said any less true. You could pay attention and learn, or then you could learn from bitter experience.
The reason I want to get out of this discussions is that this kind of thing really saddens me.
Sometimes reality is not what you hope it to be. There are ways more and less painful to learn about it. People here are suggesting you take the less painful way.
I would take my time and answer any doubt you have, but I will not stand here for being accusated for whatever you want to accusate.
No one is accusing you of anything. People with experience are saying that you are doing things wrong and telling you how to fix it.
But I guess I am the only one here unsatisfied with my current lifestyle to try something different with all I have (read sacrifice).
First arrogance, then martyrdom. I guess you'll be the project manager in the project? :)
Your current lifestyle and your happiness thereof is near-irrelevant; you're asking others to change theirs, that's what you have to consider.
Exactly what I am saying, uh?

trc_wm: So, by saying that I will be in the same situation, it becomes martyrdom.
I am not ignoring anyone's tip. But it really is arrogant to mislead the central point of this thread.
It's just like when you need help with a specific question and people give you another answer based on their personal experiences, just ignoring the fact that you might know what you are doing and that you really need help on that specific question. (I believe that this analogical situation sounds familiar to every coder)
And, I am not refering the tips as "such things"... I don't know what is leading for so much misunderstanding. And yes, there is this word "arrogance" in my mind, trying to explain everything that is happening.
I don't know. I am getting out of words. If you guys feels alright with it, OK.
I gave all the information that I would give publicly and that's all.
It's just like when you need help with a specific question and people give you another answer based on their personal experiences, just ignoring the fact that you might know what you are doing and that you really need help on that specific question. (I believe that this analogical situation sounds familiar to every coder)
And, I am not refering the tips as "such things"... I don't know what is leading for so much misunderstanding. And yes, there is this word "arrogance" in my mind, trying to explain everything that is happening.
I don't know. I am getting out of words. If you guys feels alright with it, OK.
I gave all the information that I would give publicly and that's all.
trc_wm: So, by saying that I will be in the same situation, it becomes martyrdom.
just ignoring the fact that you might know what you are doing and that you really need help on that specific question.
People gave you advice on how to get people motivated and interested. Multiple times. You just did not listen.
Besides, I hope I am wrong, but as I said in my first message, trying to recruit a huge amount of artists to work for free, speaking vague things about money and relocation and not giving any details whatsoever on your project that you intend to complete with one programmer, one designer, two writers, eight artists, zero project managers, zero portfolio/demo/anything to show for and apparently zero game industry experience leads at least me to conclude that you actually do not know what you are doing. You might think you do but that is not the same thing.
Anyway, good luck with whatever you are trying to pursue. With these specifications you are going to need it.