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Scene.org Awards discontinued

category: general [glöplog]
i dont know what is more shocking about this: the fact you are looking for another hobby now or that there is a country that censores pouet!!1one
added on the 2013-02-04 21:24:49 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
BTW: Was there a reason that the winners were selected by a jury instead of the demoscene-community, perhaps by using a voting-form (just like the public choice award)?
added on the 2013-02-04 21:25:54 by gaspode gaspode
@wysiwtf: don't be scared. A minor advantage of burning a couple of years into a demo tool is that you want to use it for some releases...
added on the 2013-02-04 21:29:28 by pixtur pixtur

hi sceners,

i just want to add an important thing here.

first of all: respect to the people how worked
hard to make such an event possible over the past years.

scene.org awards is dead
but not all hope is lost: i believe there will be a replacement for it.

please allow me to explain some of my thoughts:

i was really pissed when i heard at revision that scene.org
dropped the wild/animation competition.

i talked to blueberry, gargaj, netpoet, truck etc. and we had
a friendly discussion why this is.

the 1st answer was: the demoscene has very few releases in anim/wild
the 2nd the demoscene is mostly real-time.

i understand that people outside the scene could "abuse" demoparties
to add their videos anims etc. to get more attention.

BUT - i made a non-realtime animation as a scener on my own which won the first place at revision - a major party.
i made it for a pure demoscene event and released it first at a

i get a bad feeling and i get very angry if someone is telling me the demoscene is all about realtime productions.

we all know it is not.

but if only realtime productions are nominated or shown at an event like the awards then i have to ask the question: are really only realtime productions soa worthy ?

you must be kidding me !

i´m an attention whore - yes - and it would be cool to win such an award.
but its not what drives me / motivates me making anims. such a "chalice" would be cool though.

dont get me wrong - i have no problem with not being nominated or not winning such an award. its all a question about taste, quality, better productions, better artists etc.

BUT not even getting the chance because of a non existing anim/wild compo
category or saying its not realtime and therby not "demoscene". that is just unfair.

productions rt or not - made for the scene - shown within the scene - at parties - or just here on pouet - made by sceners (and i am part of the scene trust me) should get the chance to be seen again in the summary of "the best shit of the last year".

so, please - pretty please: the replacement event for soa should include a
category for stuff like animations, hardware stuff and hacks, hey i forgot all the great music productions that we didn´t even talked about. best music/soundtrack.

is a song thats released at a music compo less worthy than a track inside of a demo ?

totally stupid example: if hans zimmer or prodigy would be part of the scene and would release a "track" at eg. tum - it would not even be mentioned by the "system" that scene.org for the awards used so far.

also think about all the great graphics releases of a year. they are not part of a demo but they were made by people of the scene.

are they less worth for the title best gfx ?
on the other hand - all coders will scream now sorry ;) if someone would use blenders game engine - with the best pics gfx and music you ever seen and heard - then it would be realtime. would it only be "allowed" for best music / gfx at the awards that way ? that´s stupid i know.

i don´t just want to flame around here - i have no clue how hard it must be to organize such an event and how to sort out everything to make such an event not a "one day filling" show.

but please - give the people a chance who work hard on their productions regardless of which type they are and show them to the public.

best regards


you missed the point
added on the 2013-02-04 22:12:53 by maq maq
if hans zimmer would make me music, i wouldnt give a fuck about any award you give or dont give me :D
added on the 2013-02-04 22:14:10 by Gargaj Gargaj
gargaj has a point
added on the 2013-02-04 22:21:17 by xernobyl xernobyl
A big thanks to everyone who made the awards possible. Too bad they are discontinued, but I respect your decision. Cheers!
added on the 2013-02-04 22:21:30 by chock chock
oh noes! no more take-a-beer-outside-without-missing-anyrthing-relevant - break at easterpardee anymore!
added on the 2013-02-04 22:23:54 by T$ T$

And yeah, as already mentioned, it does take some time to watch "all" entries from a given year as a jury - but the most difficult thing (for me at least) is to evaluate the productions - especially the top ones, since they usually each habe their own unique qualities.

I still think the demo-scene needs, and can handle an whole-year-award. However it will indeed need some people willing to invest time and energy into it.
added on the 2013-02-04 22:30:26 by Puryx Puryx
i was really pissed when i heard at revision that scene.org
dropped the wild/animation competition.
Yeah, me too. I started my first prod right after that category was dropped by scene.org-awards. ):
added on the 2013-02-04 22:35:42 by gaspode gaspode
But on the other hand my stuff perhaps wasn't good enough anyway for being nominated. (:
added on the 2013-02-04 22:37:57 by gaspode gaspode
and the winner is:
(sorted depending on views...)
20 Demos / 1:30:44 runtime
added on the 2013-02-04 22:45:35 by freed_0hM freed_0hM
i guess one of the plus points about the scene.org awards was they were decided by people who had a clue, and a pouet awards would lose that :)

This is like saying that the the average demoparty audience shouldn't have a right to vote for winners because they don't know sh*t about demos anyways.
added on the 2013-02-04 23:00:17 by jenni jenni
This thread is repeating itself...
added on the 2013-02-04 23:04:46 by Puryx Puryx
...which is kindof scenish if you think about it :)
added on the 2013-02-04 23:06:48 by Gargaj Gargaj
Repeating? May I suggest palindromeda suger? :)
added on the 2013-02-04 23:18:32 by mog mog
totally stupid example: if hans zimmer or prodigy would be part of the scene and would release a "track" at eg. tum - it would not even be mentioned by the "system" that scene.org for the awards used so far.

An unbelievably stupid example, considering the fact that the category is "best soundtrack".
added on the 2013-02-05 02:33:38 by lug00ber lug00ber
best soundtrack != best music release at a demoparty
added on the 2013-02-05 09:05:47 by D.Fox D.Fox
This is like saying that the the average demoparty audience shouldn't have a right to vote for winners because they don't know sh*t about demos anyways.

you already have your democracy at parties, and that's one side of the coin.

i'd say the jury puts in a lot more effort than the average scener does to watch a shitload of demos, to thoroughly review a shitload of demos based on as-objective-as-possible criteria, and to come to an informed decision. jury-based votes are also less prone to manipulation in one way or another (automated voting, advertising in social media, etc). as i understand it, the members of the jury were also chosen on the principle that they're both able and willing to put in the needed effort to judge the assload of demos that they do, and have a track record of being active in the demoscene. they also represent a reasonable range of nationalities present in the demoscene.

arguing whether or not the informed opinion is more valuable than the public opinion is stupid. they both stand their ground. i really don't see why the presence of jury-based awards is so difficult to accept for some.

no, i'm not affiliated with scene.org nor the awards in any way.
added on the 2013-02-05 09:41:11 by reed reed
aaaaaand the most unreadable post on pouet award goes to cosmic! congratulations!
added on the 2013-02-05 10:13:01 by el mal el mal
Hi all,

These are bad news :-(. I have very good memories from the awards (of both winning and losing), over the (9? 10?) years they've been around.

But we are still around, we'll be making demos even if there is nobody to watch and I'm sure some of you will do the same. We'll wait and see if there is a replacement, it will be welcomed.
added on the 2013-02-05 10:27:46 by Navis Navis
[quote]if hans zimmer would make me music, i wouldnt give a fuck about any award you give or dont give me :D[quote]
added on the 2013-02-05 10:28:08 by mudlord mudlord
if hans zimmer would make me music, i wouldnt give a fuck about any award you give or dont give me :D
added on the 2013-02-05 10:28:29 by mudlord mudlord


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