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Scene.org Awards discontinued

category: general [glöplog]
As we're kinda having a somewhat heated discussion in our heimatkanal, with keyj and arv - we came up with voting the jury. Where people can write some small text, and be voted upon.
To extend to this, maybe the whole scene can act as one voting person as well, and vote for their nominees as well.

What do you humans think?
added on the 2013-02-04 17:56:05 by mog mog

yes yes, flamebait. :)
but here's the seriousness: we already have the "pouet best of the year" - just sort by thumbs! tadaaaa!

anyway. one thing i'll miss about the scene.org awards was that it was decided by a small number of people whos opinion is reasonably respected by the community. (and maali.) people who were forced, between them, to watch pretty much everything released in the last year.
while its still just an opinion of a bunch of people and easy to disagree with - especially if you're subconsciously bitter about not being asked to be on the jury in the first place, or you're not nordic so had no chance of winning - it was still an opinion that carried some respectability, and the results were always worth looking at (even if just to disagree with and moan about the jury).
that was one reason it was successful: the results did carry some respect, which made the awards worth winning.

with the public's choice award i suspected that a bunch of the votes came from people who only watched three demos in the last year and voted for the one that had the most tunnels, so i wasn't always particularly bothered by the results. i suspect that would be the case with a pouet award too. that probably makes me an elitist fuck for valuing the opinion of clued up assholes over regular assholes, but i can live with that.

( ill also miss netpoet's jackets. )

added on the 2013-02-04 18:01:27 by smash smash
It's in the News. Afaik there was no article on Heise about the awards as long as they were given.. bastards only care about it when it's dead.
added on the 2013-02-04 18:15:13 by v3nom v3nom
Couldn't agree more, keyj told me that he sat down for a week and took his time to judge the demos, being conscious and decided that graphics don't matter that much when it's about the technical most impressive demo. Which is something average demojoe, where I include myself, don't see - or when was the last time you downloaded a demo and watched it multiple times, or even stumbled around in it's guts?

I rather vote on somebody to decide what I think might be a good demo, than to pick the best oldshool demo myself, as I have no idea what the limitations on that platform are - but when I voted for peiselully I can trust him to pick the right one, as he knows that platform.
added on the 2013-02-04 18:20:06 by mog mog
Luckily we still have the demoklubi awards...
added on the 2013-02-04 18:36:30 by uncle-x uncle-x
with the public's choice award i suspected that a bunch of the votes came from people who only watched three demos in the last year and voted for the one that had the most tunnels

you should at least respect the audience abit more even if they dont share your opinion.

so i wasn't always particularly bothered by the results.

sounds like a lie.

you seem to be pissed quite alot about the voting at that public cathegory.

as i didnt gave much on the results of the now closed awards i cant even remember who has won. but just from reading your lines
it just seems obvious that it must be some wannabe oldskool perhaps even rzr release.
and that just makes me laugh. :D

added on the 2013-02-04 18:39:57 by xeNusion xeNusion
voting the jury which will in turn vote for the prods might really be a good way of letting a "competent core" decide without giving people the feeling of an being an "elitist club" with premade opinions anyway.

then again, voting on people can turn ugly fast...
added on the 2013-02-04 18:41:47 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
Sad news. Despite it's many flaws and somewhat biased results *cof cof* the Scene.org awards were a big part of the scene and an event lot's of people got used to follow, for some reason or another. RIP.
I guess I should put my beloved signed scene.org awards postcards on ebay now.
added on the 2013-02-04 18:49:14 by xernobyl xernobyl
wysiwtf: At least we can blame it on Maali when we all voted him :)
added on the 2013-02-04 18:50:05 by mog mog
It's time for the Pouët.net awards I guess.
added on the 2013-02-04 18:50:16 by xernobyl xernobyl
Don't miss the sequel: Pouët.net finally shuts down
Demoklubi awards! :)
added on the 2013-02-04 18:53:56 by el-bee el-bee
[quote=LB]Demoklubi awards! :) [/quote]

its the nordic conspiracy all over again!
added on the 2013-02-04 18:55:00 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
and i quotefail.
added on the 2013-02-04 18:55:11 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
yeah pouët award! the prize will be a blue trumpet of course :D
added on the 2013-02-04 18:58:32 by rez rez
BB Image
added on the 2013-02-04 19:00:15 by xernobyl xernobyl
Ho btw, nominated prod got a kind of printed certificate isn'it ? I didn't got the one from last year I guess...
added on the 2013-02-04 19:00:17 by rez rez
smash is right, i also reasonably respected their opinion! ;P
added on the 2013-02-04 19:54:50 by el mal el mal
mog: mind you. a jury member also needs to have quite some time available to select a bunch of releases (means (s)he needs to actively follow the demoscene up to a level (s)he knows most releases, vote (ideally with some argumentation other than just sequencing a bunch of releases in a webform) and probably (re)watch releases brought in by others. and trust me, don't underestimate that.
added on the 2013-02-04 19:57:59 by el mal el mal
voting the jury which will in turn vote for the prods might really be a good way of letting a "competent core" decide without giving people the feeling of an being an "elitist club" with premade opinions anyway.

I would expect a lot of people to refuse. Doing the jurying properly takes huge amounts of time, as Maali said. I was in the jury for six (?) years and after every year I felt like quitting due to that. Too bad that the feeling passed away after the stress was over :)
added on the 2013-02-04 20:03:07 by Preacher Preacher
Can we have an obscure/joke shit category? That's always been a category of demoscene productions (popular among lazy lamers like me)

But seriously, I don't think the demoscene will die as long as it's fun to create the stuff and meet with other sceners.
added on the 2013-02-04 20:03:45 by yzi yzi
Also, I am all for "Pouet Awards".
added on the 2013-02-04 20:04:22 by Preacher Preacher
There is nothing to be sad about, it is just a normal step in an ever changing scene. The fact that the Scene.org Awards end is a good thing, just as it was a novelty idea at the time to introduce it. Change is the only constant. Who wants to be stuck with some old ritual that has to happen, like some form of forced commitment? Here is a gap, fertile soil if you will.

If anyone has plans to do something with this oppertunity drop me a note. I guess I'm not the only one who is willing to help out in one way or another with some vague plan to organise something new. Just don't try and mimic the old awards.
added on the 2013-02-04 20:27:48 by numtek numtek
WTF! I'm stuck for a single week in a country that censors pouet.net and now I have to read this news? This is terrible. You can't imagine how happy I am that we just made the curve the last two years.

I look at the statues once in a while and they never fail to put a nostalgic smile on my face.

I personally find jury-driven discussions so much more fun. The reason that you discuss "how unfair" many the decisions are, shows how important of an institution it became. In comparison, a top of the year is plain boring. I'm a little bit ashamed that I didn't contribute more. I was asked a couple of times to be part of the jury, but never found the time. I guess, I wasn't the only one.

So, a thousand thanks to Melwyn, Netpoet, Truck, and all the others for keeping the show running for so long.

*shutting down and hesitantly looking for another hobby*
added on the 2013-02-04 21:20:10 by pixtur pixtur


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