RIP trossi (Finnish scener)
category: general [glöplog]
It has just been announced today that trossi, one of the major people behind the first ever Finnish Amiga demo.
Not a lot is known about what happened; there was a report in a local newspaper and it is understood that he passed during January 11th, 2013.
I remember him personally from Alternative Party, specifically the 2003 edition when he had a Vectrex on the desk next to us at the venue, Gloria. I believe he'd written a demo on the Vectrex then which he released as part of the demo competition then.
I didn't know him personally all that well but he was a recognizable figure when I saw him at Alternative Party events over the years.
Rest in peace.
Not a lot is known about what happened; there was a report in a local newspaper and it is understood that he passed during January 11th, 2013.
I remember him personally from Alternative Party, specifically the 2003 edition when he had a Vectrex on the desk next to us at the venue, Gloria. I believe he'd written a demo on the Vectrex then which he released as part of the demo competition then.
I didn't know him personally all that well but he was a recognizable figure when I saw him at Alternative Party events over the years.
Rest in peace.
trossi = Timo Rossi, coder of the legendary Amiga Monitor?
That's right. Timo did write the Amiga Monitor. I used amiga monitor to write my very first 68000 assembly. That must have been in the early 90s.
I first met him in person 98 or 99 (can't remember for sure) in Jyväskylä where I obtained some oscillator chips from him to overclock my A1200 accelerators. I was quite nervous to meet my hero, but he turned out to be extremely helpful and nice. He was the *true* geek. He had piles of all kind of weird gear all over the place.
I ran into him sporadically over the years, usually in some finnish parties. Last I had a good long chat with him during some altparty. He gave me a long & enthusiastic lecture of all the funky cool gadgets he had brought with him. I also saw a glimpse of the famous unreleased version of the Amiga Monitor.
He will be missed.
Here's a great photo of the guy:

Here's the guy working on the first finnish amiga demo:

My tribute: (largish img so linked)
I first met him in person 98 or 99 (can't remember for sure) in Jyväskylä where I obtained some oscillator chips from him to overclock my A1200 accelerators. I was quite nervous to meet my hero, but he turned out to be extremely helpful and nice. He was the *true* geek. He had piles of all kind of weird gear all over the place.
I ran into him sporadically over the years, usually in some finnish parties. Last I had a good long chat with him during some altparty. He gave me a long & enthusiastic lecture of all the funky cool gadgets he had brought with him. I also saw a glimpse of the famous unreleased version of the Amiga Monitor.
He will be missed.
Here's a great photo of the guy:

Here's the guy working on the first finnish amiga demo:

My tribute: (largish img so linked)
sting, yes unfortunately the same guy.

i didn't really know him, but i had some nice chats with him about amiga and other computer hardware. he was really nice person.

i didn't really know him, but i had some nice chats with him about amiga and other computer hardware. he was really nice person.
RIP :(
he was always a very nice and friendly guy and a big part of the altparty community. he'll be missed.
keveät mullat.
keveät mullat.
(sorry piru for hijacking your great tribute pic, i didn't know it was you who made it, url was just circulating on finnish irc-channels)
but yes, leveät mullat, leveämmät kuin overscan sallii.
but yes, leveät mullat, leveämmät kuin overscan sallii.
Don't worry it was meant to be circulated.
Don't worry it was meant to be circulated.
Sad news indeed! :( While I didn't know him personally, I use and still use a lot of his tools! RIP and thanks for some great Amiga tools!
should be "used" of course. Great tribute pic, Piru!
Not the nicest way to finally learn Timo Rossi = XYZ-Soft.. RIP
RIP. I had a lot of fun times with him and his hardware at Altparties
RIP. Amiga monitor was my first touch to assembler on A500.
Maybe there will be some tribute demo to him at the next Alternative Party ....
Never knew him, but always sad to learn when a scener dies. :(
not that I've knew him personally, but his "amiga monitor" was definitely one of the most used tools on amiga by a coders (and crackers) around the world. I would go that far to say that amiga scene wouldn't be the 1/10th of what it was (and still is) without that proggy.
I'm really sad to hear that he's gone. and, as it is always with my idols, would really like to know the whole story what happened, so if anyone finds out, please share.
I'm really sad to hear that he's gone. and, as it is always with my idols, would really like to know the whole story what happened, so if anyone finds out, please share.