The new MEGA
category: offtopic [glöplog]
gargaj: no way, it's Bullshit Man for sure
Ultra-squeal is definitely the most annoying.
Maybe this super-vilain...

Or this super-villain:

Nationality would also be (half-)correct.

Nationality would also be (half-)correct.
\o/ hehe this was fun reading :D
oh goodie, finally something to pouetise again...

i wonder whether i'm the only one who was thinking about marx-engels-gesamtausgabe when seeing the thread header.. :P
I don't trust people who can't even use css properly.
Okkie, can you show me on the teddy here, where touched you inappropriately. Was it any of the naughty no no areas?
He touched him here!

he's getting major coverage on national tv these days, so staying clear of using this as a cloud may be advised.
(national tv = german tv in this case; and you know how much energy germans put in things like that during the past years)
Kim Dotcom = a teenager in a grown man's body, living his dream.
Here you go Fox!

He took okkie's moustache! The worst kind of rape.
and why did they steal the latest ubuntu-unity design for their website?
have look - thats looking MEGA similar

have look - thats looking MEGA similar

grey tones and orange are sooo 2001.
dirtie: That's how "everyone" designs their websites these days.

kim schmitz aka kimble's past: (german only, unfortunately)
dipswitch: you know what would be brilliant? if someone would actually translate it to english.
Gargaj: don't be lazy, use the translation options of google chrome :)
"The phone company in Germany that was embarrassing. This earned him the controversial finally a consultancy contract, which was henceforth to his alleged principal merit."
Yeah, that helps. :)
Yeah, that helps. :)