Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]



svo: that picture made my day :D

Best game I've ever played in that genre. And a wonderful synth-pop themesong as an audio track on the CD. :-)
wandted to send in this logo, but ithe system tells me it's to big :(

That's fucking awesome v3nom. Also, too much time on your hands dude!

@v3nom: Du elender Streber! :-)
Cool, I'll make sure I check the top of the page to vote.
Out of interest is that *all* of the avvy icons? I'm pretty sure I've sen kb_'s and Tjoppens.

Out of interest is that *all* of the avvy icons? I'm pretty sure I've sen kb_'s and Tjoppens.

I voted for it! HAVE YOU?

Aside from trawling thru pages of logos how can I find it to vote on it? I've been to v3nom's page and I can't vote for it there either.

FunGas: Vote them all of course! :D
ringo: it's a selection of all pouet avatars, based on colours. afaik, you can't vote for one specific logo, you have to vote them all and be a lamah. :D

btw. seems to be pretty hot in australia atm, hope you're doing well
btw. seems to be pretty hot in australia atm, hope you're doing well

Cheers v3nom. I shall put aside some time and a couple of beers later this afternoon. ;)