Official Thread for artwork ripping by h20 using random scenebrushes
category: gfx [glöplog]
As a graphics artist in the demoscene for also quite some time now, I can fully understand Alien's and Kenet's anger. I guess I also would have become very upset.
But now that everything is said:
Why not cooling down a bit and let H2O speak and apologize?
Possibly (or should I say hopefully) all of you can then be friends or at least demoscene colleagues again?
But now that everything is said:
Why not cooling down a bit and let H2O speak and apologize?
Possibly (or should I say hopefully) all of you can then be friends or at least demoscene colleagues again?
What Raven said, even if it sounds very rainbow'ish :)

*DELETE THAT*....I messmisunderstood up....*cough*...ahem...

Kenet made the orignal, but H2o made a better version.
*DELETE THAT*....I messmisunderstood up....*cough*...ahem...

You drink too much tft ^^
ok, who is next? MISHA, CONS, RASTAMON, THOR? try one and kill his rep. :)

I mean no offence to anyone, but maybe the scenebrush truly exists..
Maybe some lamer browsed kenet's deviantART page, and made a dirty
brush from his logos and uploaded it to the interwebs as his own..
Even one of H2o's pouet logos is 'scenebrushed' (see below). I just
see no reason why he would've planted the bubbles in so visible place
( frontpage), if he knew they were from kenet or Alien.
I also want to add that being a graphician myself, I totally understand
Alien and Kenet's frustration in this matter, it was accident or not.

Maybe some lamer browsed kenet's deviantART page, and made a dirty
brush from his logos and uploaded it to the interwebs as his own..
Even one of H2o's pouet logos is 'scenebrushed' (see below). I just
see no reason why he would've planted the bubbles in so visible place
( frontpage), if he knew they were from kenet or Alien.
I also want to add that being a graphician myself, I totally understand
Alien and Kenet's frustration in this matter, it was accident or not.

Been a while since we had a "ripper" exposed scandal.. Shame we don't have any diskmag scene to do all the classic write ups that would usually follow and entertain (or shame) us ;-)
We don't ?
magic is right - with all the great new diskmags being released every month, how could we possibly not have an active diskmag scene?
It's a bit funny to see how people who cooperate with crackers/hackers who again distribute stolen property, complain about stealing.
I've seen that argument before in various places, and it doesn't really make sense. What such sceners usually complain about, is lack of CREDITS. What copyright infringement is about, is copying without permission (you can give credit as much as you want, it still legally is a crime).
It's a bit like claiming that the CC "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike" is identical to copyright - which it obviously isn't. You can be fine with copying, yet still expect proper credits.
As for the "they copied our bubbles"-drama........ oh noes!