Oscilloscope demos
category: offtopic [glöplog]
Today I was reminded about the existence of demos which you can show by running stereo audio into an oscilloscope in X-Y mode. There's Youscope and there's also Oscillofun. I find the latter to be cooler as the same file acts as both music and graphics. A quick Google also revealed link me beautiful which, even if pretty, is just a Lissajou pattern, which doesn't "break out of the box" so to speak.
Are there any more oscilloscope demos that I haven't heard of?
Are there any more oscilloscope demos that I haven't heard of?
s'funny, I just got a 200mW laser for that very purpose - all analogue circuit using motors of course...
Good, good. There are many ways to skin a cat. :)
Nothing else for Oscilloscope as far as I know, but you may look at Vectrex demos, since the display there is essentially the same.
an (analog computer) oscilloscope game: http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=56896
PulkoMandy: Thanks. Why didn't I think of that myself? Of course there are demos for Vectrex. :p
pandrr: Thanks.
pandrr: Thanks.