Darwin Awards in action.
category: residue [glöplog]
Man dies trying to record Burial live set?

So not David Blaine's name in that article.
time for some action

^ I saw that 1 on imgur the other day.

This korean dude:
genuinely died, and genuinely won a darwin award. (and for those worried i just posted a link to a snuff film, you don't see him die in the video, although you do see the absolute stupidity that killed him).
genuinely died, and genuinely won a darwin award. (and for those worried i just posted a link to a snuff film, you don't see him die in the video, although you do see the absolute stupidity that killed him).
Was seriously thinking of changing the thread title to
"Games you'll play until you die."
"Games you'll play until you die."
"We're gonna throw a helluva BBQ at my place in the desert and you, as a member of the proud American BBQ research division, are invited to join the fun. Reports says nice weather but that the sunlight probably will be pretty intense. Remember to bring your fancy shades. You don't wanna ruin that set of beautiful deep-blue american eyes..."

"WTF was that sound? Did you here it too!? Sounded like someones perverse love for beans finally resulted in an abnormal case of extreme flatulence that went shitloads of bad and therefore had to be discharged from the digestive system with extreme emergency... Well, can't be too sure about that, better go have a look."

"WTF was that sound? Did you here it too!? Sounded like someones perverse love for beans finally resulted in an abnormal case of extreme flatulence that went shitloads of bad and therefore had to be discharged from the digestive system with extreme emergency... Well, can't be too sure about that, better go have a look."

go make a demo about it.
Gargaj won this thread, anyway.
Contender to Darwin Awards:

It's residue, it get's added to very irregularly.
What's the fucking problem?
Also it'd be cooler if you'd actually got my chromium (rather than chrome which I rarely use) as a screenshot.
If I cba'd I'd work out a quota of scene to non-scene relevance for all of the most recent posts.
Since you seem to have a bit of time on your hands to take/search for screenies maybe you could do that for me...
What's the fucking problem?
Also it'd be cooler if you'd actually got my chromium (rather than chrome which I rarely use) as a screenshot.
If I cba'd I'd work out a quota of scene to non-scene relevance for all of the most recent posts.
Since you seem to have a bit of time on your hands to take/search for screenies maybe you could do that for me...

Umm, no.
What's the fucking problem?
Furry muff, but then posting a screeny of supposedly me setting up this thread and suggesting that is worthy of a Darwin Award is of course the absolute epitome of politeness, isn't it?
Yolo indeed Bugo.
There you go: syswlhn