Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]
darn that cries for tenso ^^
no time though :/

no time though :/

"What are you doing Dave?"

@ringo well I think it's not from the Incal, although image search doesn't show any definitive hints. Moebius made a lot of stuff.

awesome shit ewerybody!

The Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (STFU) was founded in 1934 as a civil farmer's union to further organize the tenant farmers in the Southern United States.

The Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (STFU) was founded in 1934 as a civil farmer's union to further organize the tenant farmers in the Southern United States.

I needed to know that svo , like a hole in the head... ;P

I confirm, it wasn't from the Incal series, not the original six albums at least... Maybe in one of the sequels? Haven't read them all, so can't tell...
This one, however:

This one, however:

The many guises of Pagey, A.K.A... I have awesome friends.