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category: residue [glöplog]
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added on the 2012-10-12 12:03:42 by ewerybody ewerybody
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added on the 2012-10-12 12:45:30 by ringofyre ringofyre
Ringo: I take it you have BL2 then?
Where can I buy that Dubmood T-Shirt?
added on the 2012-10-12 16:08:54 by elend elend
Ups! I shall click first, then read!
added on the 2012-10-12 16:09:13 by elend elend
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added on the 2012-10-12 16:21:37 by Korguiq Korguiq
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added on the 2012-10-12 16:36:34 by ewerybody ewerybody
Not yet 8bit - I'm a stingy bastard (to the point that it overrides my natural impatience!), I'll sit tight and get it cheap with all the dlc's once they've come out.

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added on the 2012-10-12 23:37:02 by ringofyre ringofyre
I pre-ordered it, bloody excellent I must add! Massive improvement over the first. Tempted to get the DLC season ticket.
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added on the 2012-10-13 01:36:33 by pintcat pintcat
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added on the 2012-10-13 07:12:06 by ringofyre ringofyre
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added on the 2012-10-13 12:46:08 by w00t! w00t!
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added on the 2012-10-13 19:05:09 by ringofyre ringofyre
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Morning all.
added on the 2012-10-13 20:32:18 by ringofyre ringofyre
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added on the 2012-10-13 22:14:54 by ringofyre ringofyre
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added on the 2012-10-14 10:15:34 by mueslee mueslee
This is how I spend my day.
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added on the 2012-10-14 10:57:48 by Optimus Optimus
And this is a famous cat

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added on the 2012-10-14 10:58:18 by Optimus Optimus
Apple maps
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added on the 2012-10-14 11:48:37 by w00t! w00t!
tf2 eh?
added on the 2012-10-14 13:46:10 by ringofyre ringofyre
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added on the 2012-10-14 13:49:38 by ringofyre ringofyre
Nah Ringo, that's Borderlands 2.

What do you think of it so far Optimus?
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added on the 2012-10-15 04:17:22 by FunGas FunGas
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added on the 2012-10-15 08:54:31 by ringofyre ringofyre


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