Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
I just died... :-)

version 2 of my midibox :)
took me the whole weekend to build it..
still work in progress since the firmware is not quite finished, yet.
(4 buttons, 4 rotaries+buttons, 4 pots)
video of my fractal program
exe here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5492880/2d_fractal_1.0.exe
keyboard commands are arrow keys to move, brackets for changing esc radius, semicolon and comma for changing the esc radius changing rate, - and = for changing iteration count, a and z for zooming in and out, home, del, end, age down to change c value, ins and page up to change rate of changing c value
exe here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5492880/2d_fractal_1.0.exe
keyboard commands are arrow keys to move, brackets for changing esc radius, semicolon and comma for changing the esc radius changing rate, - and = for changing iteration count, a and z for zooming in and out, home, del, end, age down to change c value, ins and page up to change rate of changing c value
What happened to the before vs. after concept?
I just want to say that I really every single post in this thread... demoscene is so much more about making than the final product....
why the hell did you put the buttons on the backside? :-D
yea yea, I know, I know. The "elite" version of that controller should have an aluminium case, anyway :D
placing the buttons on the backside made it easier to assemble for me.
the nice thing about that plastic case is that the LCD tightly fits into it -- no screws needed!
placing the buttons on the backside made it easier to assemble for me.
the nice thing about that plastic case is that the LCD tightly fits into it -- no screws needed!

btw: if anyone wants one: the homepage for it is now located here midibox. (more content coming up within the next days/weeks).
hey guys, here's a screenshot of the plan for v2 _on_ my STM32F4 based MIDI controller box:
thats what i read. i got exited me for brief a moment.
vectory, if you had read the homepage of that thingie, you would know that a synth (and replayer for my tracker) is definitely on the menu (hence the audio-out!).
I don't think it will be kb's V2 since that one is written in x86 assembly, IIRC.
the uC I used has an ARM Cortex-M4 CPU (with HW floating point support) which, at 168MHz, should be fast enough for (proper) audio synthesis.
I must admit that I really like the V2 filters, maybe kb allows me to borrow them.
don't expect anything too soon, though - first there is much work to be done regarding MIDI controller support in my tracker
(including special support for that midibox, of course).
but enough about this, more work in progress shots, please!
I don't think it will be kb's V2 since that one is written in x86 assembly, IIRC.
the uC I used has an ARM Cortex-M4 CPU (with HW floating point support) which, at 168MHz, should be fast enough for (proper) audio synthesis.
I must admit that I really like the V2 filters, maybe kb allows me to borrow them.
don't expect anything too soon, though - first there is much work to be done regarding MIDI controller support in my tracker
(including special support for that midibox, of course).
but enough about this, more work in progress shots, please!
4k development tool made for Wave AtraKKtor
(thanks go to Loonies for inspiration)

And yes... I already given Unc this thing. ;)
(thanks go to Loonies for inspiration)

And yes... I already given Unc this thing. ;)
That looks fucking awesome.
what preacher said.
these days, the tools used to do the scene releases require just as much development work as the releases themselves, it seems ;-)
I would guess that it takes longer time writing a good and usable tool ( which I guess most of them are, at least for the designer ) then just writing stuff from scratch. But ones it's done it might be faster making new demos/intros with them. Never the less, I enjoy writing tools but it feels a bit of a waste of time since I always get better ideas and never finished any, leading to that I never release anything :)
KK: I like the repeat operator :-)
@hooverphonique/ekoli: yep, if you "just" wanna produce a brilliant demo, look at how Navis does it :D
but tool coding is fun!
(problem w/ tools is that they impose limitations. w/ pure src code you can always "circuit-bend" things to your liking)
but tool coding is fun!
(problem w/ tools is that they impose limitations. w/ pure src code you can always "circuit-bend" things to your liking)
hooverphonique: Not really. They require 10x development work than the releases themselves.
pixtur: This is also a concept "borrowed" from what I have seen in Loonies 4k tool.
xyz: Not if the tool is designed around concept like "throw at me as much bits of asm as you wish and sequence them in wysiwyg as you like". And of course you can scramble the code of the tool itself. I don't remember using any tool I made so far to make more than a single demo, but I reuse code a lot - HLSL parser/optimizer was taken directly from the tool used for Chaos Theory 4k.
pixtur: This is also a concept "borrowed" from what I have seen in Loonies 4k tool.
xyz: Not if the tool is designed around concept like "throw at me as much bits of asm as you wish and sequence them in wysiwyg as you like". And of course you can scramble the code of the tool itself. I don't remember using any tool I made so far to make more than a single demo, but I reuse code a lot - HLSL parser/optimizer was taken directly from the tool used for Chaos Theory 4k.
KK: cool that your tool(-chain) works that way. I've made a tool-concept a few years ago (which I have not gotten around to (fully) implement, yet) which is (also) based on
the idea to implement a UI just for the "common"/re-usable aspects, like asset management and sequencing. the tool generates a header file which enumerates all
the parameters (flattens the param hierarchy). the hdr is then included in the demo/intro/"app", which needs to be linked with a simple library to interface with the UI (only
needed during development, of course). Before anyone complains: I am quite sure this has been done before (many times, probably) since it suits the lazy coder :-)
the idea to implement a UI just for the "common"/re-usable aspects, like asset management and sequencing. the tool generates a header file which enumerates all
the parameters (flattens the param hierarchy). the hdr is then included in the demo/intro/"app", which needs to be linked with a simple library to interface with the UI (only
needed during development, of course). Before anyone complains: I am quite sure this has been done before (many times, probably) since it suits the lazy coder :-)

Some 4k intros started more than year ago and freezed for infinite time.

i got exited me for brief a moment
wtf?! i think i had a minor stroke, when i wrote that.
xyz: i know you're making a synth with it, and that porting kb's V2 to anything is really hard. hence i was surprised :)
WIPs often seem to be more interesting than the end product, because they leave more room for imagination. that and i tend to botch things up in the end.