function 2012 :: 2012sep28-30 :: budapest hungary
category: parties [glöplog]
It doesn't matter if you can't do demo for us... :)
You Rule! :)
You Rule! :)
FiRG rulez :D I'm just trying.
deadline for remote entries?
Same for the others.
If you live in Budapest and don't go to the party, the deadline for remote entries has already passed.
gloom: true
gloom: true
I'll be arriving to BUD at 16:45 on Friday (and leave at 12:10 on Monday). Is there anyone with a similar schedule who wants to team up for the trip to the party place?
I'll arrive by bus around 14:30.
i planned to come early this year, but my amazing booze Kid is born.. Next time guys :)
Ah yeah, your kid. I think I already sent you congratulations via Facebook!
Ziphoid: g00bs and I will be arriving a bit before that, but I'm sure I can convince him to stick around the airport till you arrive :P Hit me up!
I'll be there!!
A visitor from Japan? Cool! Looking forward to meeting you!
I wish I was going to Function, or Kindergarden, or in fact any party this fall in addition to the one I am organizing.
:~ (
:~ (
metoikos: Same story here.

unfortunately i can't come. again. i already planned everything (there's a hungarian bus-line going from berlin to budapest daily).. but then i got a serious pneumonia which kept me in hospital for two weeks, which is why my release is not ready.. and now the hospital bill came, which is why my money is not enough... :(
ticket bought!! wooohooooo! amigaaaaaaaaaa!! :)))
ahahahaaaaaa!!!! :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
@gargaj, just send you the email. can it be arranged?
there's a certain hilarity when dfox arrives and the soundsystem just HAPPENS to be blasting rammstein.
Gargaj: show him this one
will there be a compo stream on saturday night?