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Why these forums don't work

category: general [glöplog]
I think that you guys have run out of things to talk about. I haven't seen a seriously demoscene inspired conversation on Pouet for a long long time and there's always some idiot who sways the conversation to a level of maturity that only a child can really find ammusing. So my verdict is while the portal concept for demos is great and comments can generate brutally honest feedback, the forum is largely a blog of waste. I would love to see the users of Pouet submit ideas on how we can benifit the scene on the Pouet BBS rather than treat it like a circus.

Heh, I dare you to acually take this thread seriously. Come on, place your bets.
yeh, lets all move to scenerep forums where admins delete threads whenever the discussion doesnt sway under their tango. much better.
added on the 2004-10-12 09:51:27 by psenough psenough
ps: why are you always the first to throw shit?
oh yah... and I'm talking about Pouet... opps.
because ps is pretty much the only guy who actually cares about the bbs and pouët in general...
added on the 2004-10-12 10:03:35 by Gargaj Gargaj
gargaj: What does that mean? I kinda like Pouet but have issues with the BBS.
because you're an idiot and ive been having a bad day and still its only 9am.

that beeing said, i'll let the rest of the immature participants of pouet bbs explain to you how complete freedom of speech and mindless ranting can enhance the interest of any discussion in a way that only a child can find ammusing.
added on the 2004-10-12 10:06:10 by psenough psenough
ps: way to lead the tribe man. lets boil some water so the cannibals can have their meat.
Someone's being a straight arrow!

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dominei: What does that have to do with making this site better?
freedom of speech is one thing. capturing a thread and dropping endless shit pics there is a different.

or do you really want to tell us that the spam mails are a democratic element of free speech.
time for a filterfunction.
added on the 2004-10-12 10:15:12 by xeNusion xeNusion
Patrick: what? my pic? my comment? If you want serious posts, at least learn proper english.

xenusion: an image can say more than a thousand words. being a graphician, you know this.
Here here!
dominei: omfg asl? english speak? can you? I want friend. add me.
Oh my God... I am getting irate already... damn Pouet witchery.
all hail the clowns!

if you don't like the bbs, don't fucking read it, there is no chance in HELL that it is gonna change!
added on the 2004-10-12 10:22:29 by okkie okkie
Patrick: Being american is the very definition of not being proper english :) Blunt racism apart, I still don't agree with you Pat. If you don't like a thread, don't read it.

if you don't like the bbs, don't fucking read it, there is no chance in HELL that it is gonna change!

Wouldn't it be nice if we did and we could have a serious demo related conversation for more than 3 posts?
gah..it's over 10 am, I need a drink..
Pouet is a pile junk. Goodbye :)
added on the 2004-10-12 10:27:36 by Optimus Optimus
This is what happened last time we tried to have a serious demo related conversation.

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Patrick: Being american is the very definition... blah blah blah

You know...we who are neither american nor canadian fail to see the difference :)

You know...we who are neither american nor canadian fail to see the difference :)

Well hopefully (and I know you won't cuz it obviously jerks my chain) you'll stop calling me american some day soon because to call me an american is an insult. I am Canadian, or a resident of Canada if you will.

America: Imperial
Canada: Metric

America: Nukes
Canada: Army?

America: President
Canada: Prime Minister
dominei: no, we just don't care :)

anyway.. stop complaining, go to the scene.org forums for serious stuff!
added on the 2004-10-12 10:35:54 by okkie okkie


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