SUNDOWN 2012 - 7-9th September - Budleigh Salterton, UK - Remote Entries allowed!
category: parties [glöplog]
is there any live broadcast?
and when is deadline?
I will be there about midnight. Someone save me a space please!
deadline is generally 4-5pm ish on saturday (as far as i can remember)
Deadline for all remote submissions is Saturday, 8th September 2012, at 14:00 GMT.
Get your remote entries in - \o_ we love remote entries :D
Sent, however - sometimes it's neat to get an ACK?
desk setup, computer on, beer open :)
I second mog. ;)
I just wanted to say I envy you guys/gals. (I'm in fever) :) have a very nice party
I'm having a fever too, but I'm still at the party! :)
It actually isn't all that good, no :/
It actually isn't all that good, no :/
Remote entry finally finished and sent! :)
mog / raven: got your entries, thanks! sorry, been running around doing party things! many many thanks y'all! :D
sdw: got your entry too!
i guess, my entry arrived aswell !?
cons: yes - sorry, will work on my acks!
@rc55: <3 =)
view from stage right:

that's me that is!
Looks like a tiny opera house, please have fun - and drink a beer for me _o/
All remote entries confirmed by email now - the deadline for remote entries today is 2pm UK time! :)
awesome sauce, have fun everyone \o/
Is there a soundstream to watch together with the webcam pictures?