The scene, intellectual property and double standards
category: offtopic [glöplog]
gargaj: just wanted people to reflect a bit on their own reactions and feelings around "theft", "borrowing" and reuse. Figured it'd be easier to do this by using myself as a case study, since noone should feel they are being attacked that way.
Wasn't able to suppress the need to point out the obvious fact that people who are actively in the warez scene shouldn't be surprised that intellectual property rights are being infringed upon. "There's no honor among thieves".
also.. this is a pre-emptive measure for the pouet thread you will create when you realize that all my tracks are just edits of your tracks with added distortion and rap vocals :D
Wasn't able to suppress the need to point out the obvious fact that people who are actively in the warez scene shouldn't be surprised that intellectual property rights are being infringed upon. "There's no honor among thieves".
also.. this is a pre-emptive measure for the pouet thread you will create when you realize that all my tracks are just edits of your tracks with added distortion and rap vocals :D
lug00ber: YOU'RE doing that TOO?! Damnit.
I'm looking forward to that thread!

What is this? I thought you had Morten Harket over to do some vocals, lug00ber.
+1 lug00ber and gloom in your replies to garg for much laughter on my part which I sorely needed today.

It's delicious.
i'll drop by for a meal!

omnomnom, ponies! for dessert!
sry, knoekipon ;)
sry, knoekipon ;)
after all this drama about stealing, i feel the urge to steal more
Ill make a demo about rob is jarig!!
Nosfe, lets go to Munchen and steal shit :D
tft, next year, before or after revision?-)
how about a few panel pieces as well?
this thread was better before the ponies
so there is a huge difference from taking shit to create shit from taking shit and making money on it
thec: it is, yes. That's also why f.ex. Creative Commons has separate licenses for the purpose to distinguish between those specific cases.
actually creative commons has been discussing deprecating the NC ND parts of the license.
it might sound radical at first glance but they wrote an interesting blog post / article about it, and it does seem to make some sense. atleast to me.
it might sound radical at first glance but they wrote an interesting blog post / article about it, and it does seem to make some sense. atleast to me.
So CC is going the GPL way... what a pitty =/
Beeing not that radical/restricted was what made CC most appealing for many
Beeing not that radical/restricted was what made CC most appealing for many
It's just free culture zealots doing their thing. Nothing to see here, move along to some other license.