Project Giana with Chris Hülsbeck, Fabian Del Priore and Machinae Supremacy
category: offtopic [glöplog]

<3 <3 <3
Now let's see if they manage to reach the stretch goals in two days... =)
Now let's see if they manage to reach the stretch goals in two days... =)
Now you can also pledge using PayPal!
great news!
alltho paypal is not everyones first choice at least i can give them my money now.
We're discussing to do a stretched goal of 350k for an Amiga-version. Or we wait for an Amiga-KS-project.

PayPal option?
((((((((((( PLEDGED )))))))))))
((((((((((( PLEDGED )))))))))))
Ah finaly paypal... pledged too :)
Ah yessss, made it! \o/ Who said again they are not gonna make it? ;-D
Magicnah Nahkolor How to keep this game away from cracking groups..? ;/
fsölsfdls @magicnah - which cracing group is interested in a game without copy protection...
Magicnah Nahkolor Trsi? ;/
In other news, the game is at about 190k (including PayPal) now. Awesome!
"Your Payment to Chris Huelsbeck Productions has succeeded" \o/
Yeah - mails just dropped in, along with a nice thank-you video ;)
German show "Pixelmacher" on ZDF.kultur about the project (beginning with minute 18):
Tomorrow it's out:

Nice, will buy on Steam when i have money =)
For those interested, it's $3.74 instead of $14.99 (-75%) on Steam today:
a bunch of hot air