Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]
Morning sen.

Hello guys... Who recognizes this ? :p

Guess my game dujour.
Dunno what game it is tbh... :/
Anyway, not-far-from-random image

Anyway, not-far-from-random image

^^^She's quite productive...

@Ringo: Oh my! You are a Borderlands addict too? The burning starts when Borderlands 2 will be released hopefully soon!
Clocked up around 400hrs on mine. Might wait until B2 has been around a bit before I get it. XD

@Optimous & 8bit - the only reason the windows box is up and running atm. The missus isn't too happy about being a game-widow... again.

@ringofyre : borderlands ?
Yep guille.

Did the "Borderlands 2" logo in the top left tip you off?@ringofyre : borderlands ?
Ah, you were referring to his guessing game. My bad.
Forgiven & forgotten.

On a tangent - fucking midori and no bbcode scripts/extensions!

On a tangent - fucking midori and no bbcode scripts/extensions!