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fix me beautifull

category: general [glöplog]
added on the 2012-08-20 14:32:10 by Tomoya Tomoya
http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=59781 kill this one please
added on the 2012-08-20 14:37:48 by randomi randomi
added on the 2012-08-20 14:40:06 by Tomoya Tomoya
sorry, it's not my day, http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=59782 was 6th
added on the 2012-08-20 14:43:37 by randomi randomi
i probably should stop adding them, but i have to :)
added on the 2012-08-20 14:44:04 by randomi randomi
yeah, fixed that one already
added on the 2012-08-20 14:46:18 by Tomoya Tomoya
ok, i am finished with demo compo, please remove dupe of zombie with wrong name (http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=59781), having no preview or confimation when you submit the form is FUCKED UP MAN!!!
added on the 2012-08-20 14:54:52 by randomi randomi
added on the 2012-08-20 15:09:21 by Tomoya Tomoya
And the prod has been killed, you owe Gargaj a beer.
added on the 2012-08-20 15:13:15 by Tomoya Tomoya
thanks! well, you two can have a crate of beer if you come to cc next year ;)
added on the 2012-08-20 15:19:02 by randomi randomi
results.txt for cc need to be corrected: see http://party12.cc.org.ru/results.txt

also, please change the links to the entries to http://party12.cc.org.ru beginning and not https://chaosconstructions.ru, because party12 will remain and other domain will move on, oh and https is bad for demoscene
added on the 2012-08-20 17:02:15 by randomi randomi
please please for this:
* add youtube
* change download
* add platforms: Linux, MacOSX Intel
added on the 2012-08-21 06:45:32 by provod provod
for prod http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=59787 wrong group id is specified. it should be 2697 instead of 6750.

added on the 2012-08-21 10:27:49 by randomi randomi
Most of the stuff above done. Couldn't properly fix the CC results, don't know if pouet's nfos even support UTF-8 properly.
added on the 2012-08-21 11:05:35 by tomaes tomaes
yes, delete please, will work on executable player:) my bug fasting)
sorry, this http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=59788 ) my first posting there
added on the 2012-08-21 12:49:00 by diver diver
added on the 2012-08-21 15:39:02 by tomaes tomaes
please please for this:
* add youtube
* change disqualiffied to 1nd (see comments)

It's not in the results file though, changed either way. ;)
added on the 2012-08-21 16:23:22 by tomaes tomaes
Darkman007: We would rather wait for you to make an interface than remove the prod right away. :)
added on the 2012-08-21 16:32:39 by Tomoya Tomoya


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