A letter!
category: residue [glöplog]
computers were
accidentally erasing all their data
most of their data
about your mum.
As all the important data is now gone we
suddenly cried in terror because
we suddenly cried in terror. Later
-- said our bodyguard's sanity and left him alone with us, a loaded gun and unspeakable bloodlust.
Then, a girl with random hardware appeared and she
started to masturbate furiously while
, erm, sorry, I meant whale,
where I wrote "she". Come to think of it, you know that joke about
the crown, the magic gorilla prick and the fireplace full of bathroom soap bubble salt cream powder bottle bath?
No? Me neither, but it sounds fun! So i went to that drinking party
and drank a whole bowl of
الله أكبر
but AMIGA is greater
أميغا هو أعظم
Well, they seemed to
interfere our transmission with
yet another commercial for