jenni's beer belly admiration thread
category: residue [glöplog]
This is more real than any of those "real women" in various threads. Respect.

jenni: WWWW TTTT FFFF ????
the one with the guys posing like they are pregnant is actually funny!
just the DISGUSTING is percentually overrating the funnyness! <- learn english, stoopit!
(maybe all the pornpics showing stupid women is as disgusting to women as those pics, think about it! ;) OUCH! )
jenni: stop it please, tho!
WindowsSpeechDetection: "DELETE THAT!"
(maybe all the pornpics showing stupid women is as disgusting to women as those pics, think about it! ;) OUCH! )
jenni: stop it please, tho!
WindowsSpeechDetection: "DELETE THAT!"
...and then suddenly, slengpung.
I don't see how this thread differs in any way from the tons of "OMG LOOK IT'S A WOMAN" picture threads.

Britelite: behave!
Britelight´s got his Bellys rights! (atleast for jennis senses!)
Britelight´s got his Bellys rights! (atleast for jennis senses!)
Well played madam, well played.

one Pizza PUKEALOT pleaze! ;)
nah, wait, i just watched that thread on pouet, i dont need it anymore!
nah, wait, i just watched that thread on pouet, i dont need it anymore!

That's a fucking huge bottle of brandy!
part of his heavy training diet, that beer belly doesn't stay rotund and taut by itself!

..sorry... ;-)
Hardy, i hope you're just trying to troll Jenni, if not.
1. Don't look here
2. It's just a belly, not 2 guys blowing each other off
3. Just don't look here
4. You want to see a picture of no. 2 right?
... Jenni, you go girl!
1. Don't look here
2. It's just a belly, not 2 guys blowing each other off
3. Just don't look here
4. You want to see a picture of no. 2 right?
... Jenni, you go girl!
that pic of britelite waking up at Stream is one of my favorite party photos ever
don't hide those bellies!

why i started this thread:
1) i got bored of the n+1 different threads of pictures of women potrayed in a sense that "woman" is some sort of mythical creature that no one has ever seen in real life
2) there are women at demoparties. we do exist, you can come talk to us and we might even reply if you're acting nice
3) i like my men hairy and with (moderate) beer bellies. i must be a bear-admiring gay guy stuck in a woman's physical body.
so that's why ;)
1) i got bored of the n+1 different threads of pictures of women potrayed in a sense that "woman" is some sort of mythical creature that no one has ever seen in real life
2) there are women at demoparties. we do exist, you can come talk to us and we might even reply if you're acting nice
3) i like my men hairy and with (moderate) beer bellies. i must be a bear-admiring gay guy stuck in a woman's physical body.
so that's why ;)

Is that Jeremy Clarkson in that photo? What's going on in this picture?