check out my whacky wolf3d mod
category: residue [glöplog]
How do I connect to that BBS? Just give me a regular phone number that I can dial to...
i am not that fun to talk to, seriously)
so... did any of you guys find it usefull? would be fun to watch those sprites and textures in a demo... even a crappy one.
boom boom pow
eksy: here's someone looking for a pixel artist -> you might be able to help :)

you need to rise your bar of quality. very high.
what do you mean

please also if you be so kind could you donate something, i worked on it for a whole year, only have webmoney in my country Z142694527784 R367803543896, thank you very much.
new modsite
That is awesome. You should send your stuff to some of the big game companies, I reckon they'll hire you on the spot.

the mod has been moved yet again to google docs now so i can update it much easier
>google docs
Oh boy, inaccessible without JavaScript and a Google account. Good job!
Oh boy, inaccessible without JavaScript and a Google account. Good job!
sorry there really very little places i could go even moddb is a hasstle, i have to wait approval every time i upload new version try here
, inaccessible without JavaScript
is there really people browsing the internet in (end) 2012 without js support ?
>is there really people browsing the internet in (end) 2012 without js support ?
Me and blind people.
Me and blind people.
last chance to download this shit
probably going to be taken down soon due to copyright issues and me annyoing them to remove it
probably going to be taken down soon due to copyright issues and me annyoing them to remove it
It's an opportunity of a lifetime, folks!
i dare someone to fuck it all up
wikileak it