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What's wrong with piracy?

category: general [glöplog]
I know there is a strong anti-piracy/warez attitude with many sceners, but why? I haven't read any logical opinions why piracy is such a bad thing for the average computer user/scener.

Don't give me that crap about ripping off companies because multi-billion $ companies fuck with people's lives every day. The people who earn the profits aren't even the people whose hard work went into the software/music etc, but rather the publishers and lazy, sleazy managers who are paying their mules a fraction of the profits to do all the work for them.

As for this propaganda campaign about piracy hindering the movie business...bollocks! If anything, a decreased budget will force movie makers to think about plots and originality instead of A-list actors and special effects.

Besides, how many times have you bought software, a CD or gone to see a movie and felt totally ripped off?

There's nothing cool about piracy, it's just about getting a bit of entertainment for free.
...enter our hero, plek!
added on the 2004-09-26 01:59:29 by Gargaj Gargaj
maybe because you're robbing sceners that has gone into gamebiz or musicbiz?
added on the 2004-09-26 02:35:38 by whizzter whizzter
Besides, how many times have you bought software, a CD or gone to see a movie and felt totally ripped off?

See, there's this wonderful little concept called "reviews"...
blaaaah, this will be trolltalk anyway... cut the crap.---
added on the 2004-09-26 04:42:45 by dipswitch dipswitch
To expect anything less from pouet users would be....
added on the 2004-09-26 05:21:17 by Nezbie Nezbie
Maybe I should report shane to RIAA or MPAA - should be good for some fun. He could have a blog of the actions taken against him and we all could add lots of hateful comments, cursing these organisations.
added on the 2004-09-26 10:00:14 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
I think it is actually quite cool to see my games in internet spreading illegally :)
added on the 2004-09-26 11:00:38 by dairos dairos
There are indeed a lot of big companies churning out endless mindless sequels, spending millions on putting the most famous people into their product, and marketing it so heavily that people think it MUST be the best thing ever and go out and buy it. They particularly target kids, so that the kids grow up thinking that stuff is actually good, and get into the habit of handing over their cash for it. I'd personally recommend treating these products with the disgust they deserve, and not even touching them. But if you have to, pirate them.

But just remember, there are a lot of small guys out there producing great quality work for small record companies, small games companies, and low buget films. If you pirate their stuff, it's going to have an impact. Take a look at how many small games companies have gone bust in the last few years... for a lot of them, if 5% of the people who warez'd their games had bought, they may still be around. I know a lot of them went bust cause their games were shit, which is fair enough, but some were doing good stuff, and as thom said, read some reviews :)
added on the 2004-09-26 11:07:21 by psonice psonice
well, i'd like to say a few words. this one is serious.

let's imagine there is some abstract tool which costs $300 or, better, $500 or $700. So many young sceners and other coders/gfx artists who dont have a job because they study at uni or somewhere, cant pay so much for this tool. if there was no warez scene they could have never used this tool and thus we'd have been missing some fucking amazing masterpieces[/i]. i doubt every 3dsmax instance used for scene modelling for some kickass intros/demos was legally registered.
Well, the idea is : if one [b]has no ability to pay for software
then he is discriminated because he cannot use it. Just copying a file costs nothing for software developer nor to user. except for traffic. So this person can not save his time, increase his productivity, etc just because of idea. Thats wrong imo.

Code: Anyway if you can pay for software there is no excuse for using warez.

i'm sorry for my awful english, once again :)
added on the 2004-09-26 12:23:23 by apricot apricot
And one more. Using pirated software to create COMMERCIAL applications is real crime.
added on the 2004-09-26 12:26:13 by apricot apricot
apologise for your bb code, not your english! ;)
added on the 2004-09-26 12:29:07 by psonice psonice
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added on the 2004-09-26 13:18:19 by el mal el mal
ok now i dont give a fuck about this thread - filedonkey is up again >:)
added on the 2004-09-26 13:30:02 by apricot apricot
reviews are always shit. unconclusive, biased and precious time consuming.

small companies reach more end users through the piracy then through their marketing (due to a market flooded with overhyped campaigns by the big companies). their sales losses are nearly unexistant couz the consumer wouldnt buy the product to begin with.

in a sick twisted way, piracy balances the scale between big companies and small ones, and pushes forward the consumer to the discovery of new things, thus increasing his awareness of the global market, which will drive him to discover/investigate more similar products and possibly pay for things that are not for sale on shelfs on his homecountry.

no doubt that a well made program should be paid for, to ensure the maker gets his euros to buy some food and produce more of the same. but software piracy isnt contributing to the destruction of the business. market oversaturation is.

and now for plek's intervention...
added on the 2004-09-26 13:39:16 by psenough psenough
added on the 2004-09-26 14:28:59 by el mal el mal
Still no plek. Maybe he has cancer?
added on the 2004-09-26 14:32:40 by psonice psonice
>>Don't give me that crap about ripping off
>>companies because multi-billion $ companies
>>fuck with people's lives every day.

Hello. Have you ever heard of such words as "collectively" and "individually"? Perhaps all Jews of today are Jesus murderers to you, and all Germans of today Jew killers to you?

I can't believe I'm wasting my time on this trollpost :'(
added on the 2004-09-26 16:19:46 by uutee uutee
well, i still dont like Jews nor Germans to begin with! ;P
added on the 2004-09-26 16:25:59 by el mal el mal
Legal demos suck. Let's all watch cracked demos.
added on the 2004-09-26 18:35:08 by dixan dixan
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"Did I hear you right?
Did I hear you sayin'
You were gonna make a copy
Of a game without payin'?
Come on guys...
I thought you knew better!
Don't Copy That Floppy!"
added on the 2004-09-26 19:50:09 by xbit xbit
Hahaha! Don't Copy That Floppy was one of the BEST reasons not to participate in piracy.

Two thumbs up for it!
added on the 2004-09-26 20:13:49 by freeze freeze
added on the 2004-09-26 20:32:07 by el mal el mal
I think the real reason recordindustry is against mp3's isn't the loss of money but the loss of control over what we're allowed to hear. Internet opens up a whole new way to find and hear music which isn't that controlled. Recordindustry doesn't want us to choose what we hear they want MTV, commercial radio and such sorces so they can limit our choices down and not take the risk that many people start listening to other than what they want us to hear.
added on the 2004-09-26 21:30:05 by violator violator
"everything is under control!" ;)
added on the 2004-09-26 21:39:42 by psenough psenough


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