I hate threads topics that end with discuss. Discuss.
category: residue [glöplog]
End of discussion. Discuss.


Why do you create that which you hate? Discuss.
Haters gonna hate, not discuss.
Didn't have the time to make a better rhyme but I bought a plastic discus from toys 'r' us. Discuss.
Ohai, no dis cushion, I has choosed dis cus I laik it, k?
I told "Fuck Off" that it was a cunt.
I was dissing that cuss!
I was dissing that cuss!
Hi ringo ! :)
Disc us !

Disc us !

All your disc are us!
Years ago I tried to get an Audience with Princess Diana and one of her impersonators. Unfortunately there was some sort of accident - so there was no chance that they would (that is the Di's) See us...
*Almost sorry*
*Almost sorry*
teh cat is an op.
Don't diss custard!
English: Discuss, that's not an option.
Lolcat: Dis cuz dats not an option.
English: This, because that's not an option.
Lolcat: Dis cuz dats not an option.
Stable after 4 iterations! :)
Lolcat: Dis cuz dats not an option.
English: This, because that's not an option.
Lolcat: Dis cuz dats not an option.
Stable after 4 iterations! :)
disc error
suc dis