IRC... Why IRC?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
90% of chat on scene irc channels is just the same 20 or so people talking in all the different channels, isnt it .. admit it
@smash yeah probably.. come on join us then itll be 21! ;D
smash made a pretty good point.
Hopefully, there are other channels that are not scene channels.
Hopefully, there are other channels that are not scene channels.
smash: that's absolutely right :)

This thread raises a valid question :)
what exactly were you expecting? :)
what a shit client that is! :D
Hi mom!
#revision isn't exactly the most active channel..
activity on irc tends to come in waves
wysiwtf: like.. buses?
please don't turn this into another H^H^H^H^thesceneisdeadH^H^H^H^ thread : P
on SceneSat during live shows, the room is hopping and not just juvenile humor, I sofascened last Assembly there and it made me happy, especially when my access to videostream repeatedly broke because of my geographically distant location
the scene being what it is and haters gonna hate ;D
brb, someone highlighted me on irc
brb, someone highlighted me on irc
The scene is dead?