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Need help to test new synthesizer

category: code [glöplog]
The most used SDK version is stll 2.4; v3 has a newer architecture and not all DAWs support it yet.
added on the 2012-05-27 14:34:42 by trc_wm trc_wm
interesting. when will be released to public? i hope it won't have an installer like NI plugins :D
added on the 2012-05-27 19:43:08 by pista pista
No installer needed, just drop and load :)
Regarding release, I'm currently finalizing things, will probably release it in a day or two.
added on the 2012-05-27 21:02:46 by JohnD JohnD
i hope it won't have an installer like NI plugins :D

This confuses me. Don't almost all plugins have an installer? And for good reasons? Or perhaps there's something particularly bad about the NI installer...
added on the 2012-05-27 21:26:47 by revival revival
revival: I think that pista references "Native Instruments Komplete" package setup, it's an horrible setup - it's huge and it takes ages.

The torrent * is small 60mb package with FM8 setup only. comparing this to a 36GB (!) it's lite and fast.

added on the 2012-05-27 22:11:01 by JohnD JohnD
Count me in! (my handle) at loonies dot dk.
I have my own FM-based synth based on the same principle (VSTi + converter from Renoise + player) which has been used in every Loonies 4k (both PC and Amiga) since Nevada back in 2008. It could be very interesting to see what your FM synth looks like!
added on the 2012-05-27 22:41:03 by Blueberry Blueberry
Hating on installers is so 2001.
added on the 2012-05-27 22:49:42 by gloom gloom
revival: the problem with the NI installer (or, more likely: "NI Service Center") is that their update-function just downloads a ZIP of the new (self-contained) installer, completely ignoring the horror that is updating multiple synths at once.

Which reminds me: trc_wm: I still have that project we were talking loosely about a year ago in the back of my mind .. :)
added on the 2012-05-27 22:52:58 by gloom gloom
Gloom: trc@jabber.org or ICQ 3272405 or shadowhugger@hotmail.com for MSN.
added on the 2012-05-27 23:37:25 by trc_wm trc_wm
JohnD: I'd appreciate if you wouldnt pull the cupboard on yourself by pasting torrent links.
added on the 2012-05-27 23:41:54 by Gargaj Gargaj
trc_wm: it's almost amazing that you're on three IM networks I'm not. :) I'll shoot you a mail!
added on the 2012-05-27 23:47:39 by gloom gloom
I haven't installed komplete, because it misses some files (at least the pirate version i tried)... I had to download them from somewhere else.
Dunno, installers are stupid, I just hate when I have to press next 10 times to copy some files, especially when it takes gigabytes like microsoft office for example...
added on the 2012-05-28 17:25:50 by pista pista
TinyFM8 released:

Thank you all for the helping, especially for knl and razor!
added on the 2012-05-29 21:48:02 by JohnD JohnD
what is renoise?
it's high technology.
nah, it calls itself a tracker but does not even have a standalone replayer :D (-> flame on!)
added on the 2012-05-29 23:18:01 by xyz xyz
bad flame is bad.

A good flame for renoise: it's based on fasttracker, not impulsetracker.
renoise is based on one of Argurus's old open source works (Noisetrekker). may he R.I.P. :/
added on the 2012-05-29 23:35:17 by xyz xyz
Oh, that's low. Seriously.
added on the 2012-05-29 23:50:43 by raizor raizor
no, it is not.

he had some very good ideas regarding trackers that he unfortunately did not complete/fully implement in his life span.

the tech that e.g. renoise is based on is from the late 80ies / early 90ies, IMHO.

anyways, gotta check out JohnD's FM synth :)
added on the 2012-05-29 23:52:30 by xyz xyz
Yes, it is.

Don't bring tears on pouet, that's all.
And don't bring things like "he had some good ideas", a lot of people know he did...

And don't bring stupid stuff like "renoise is based on 80s/90s" because most of the musicians are boring preset users who make boring music and try to oversquash their tracks or use supetipsandtricks just to be sure it sounds ok enough.
Who care about the tool, it's just a tool, technicians do... but technicians aren't good creatives.
just had a listen to the TinyFM8 demos -- sounds good!

knl: don't be so touchy about your tools. Of course I was talking about the tech side of things, nice tunes can be done with just a hex editor / assembler, as we all know.
added on the 2012-05-30 00:12:57 by xyz xyz
be sure I'm not touchy about my tools. I'm just bored with people I believe don't make such great tunes but always argue about tools... places like kvr, full of people with bunch of gears and no style, creativity, people who talk more than they make or can even prove they make enough. That's all.

I'm more touchy about people who talked about arguru and say he made big things when I used a lot of his tools.


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