IRC... Why IRC?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
Netetrader? Explain please.
No worries - user b& and posts deleted. Hats off to quick mod.
Another reason, besides what Gargaj said, to use IRC is this:

Isn't this just that much more efficient than let's say Facebook chat, MSN (dear lord) or even Google chat?

Isn't this just that much more efficient than let's say Facebook chat, MSN (dear lord) or even Google chat?
looking at the conversation, no, probably not :D
but we humans all know deep inside in our hearts that it is.
@plek: what program are you using? irssi?

@magic: wtf! what is that irc client? and the fonts?
teh fonts are AMIGAAAAAHHH!!!!! :p
also i cant connect to irc anym0re for some longer, guess some1 wants to keep me away from jessika. ;) must be da same shitty dude having abused my fb-acc to make jessika think i would have trolled her there ;)
Rez, its an amiga intro actually :)
Rez: click here
because this turned into an irc-client-screenshot-showcase:




it may convince me to switch to weechat..horizontal tiling looks nice...
mission accomplished.
rez@rez:~# brew install weechat
Isn't this just that much more efficient than let's say Facebook chat, MSN (dear lord) or even Google chat?
Not with bitlbee! Besides skype (which IS supported in some convoluted way) irssi is now the only chat client I have to deal with.
IRCnet = demoscene
EFnet = w*r*z scene
EFnet also had #buzz and #psycle communities as well as some electronic music making communities.
+ Espernet = tracker & chip scene (channels like #botb, #renoise, #inpuj...)
IRCnet = demoscene
EFnet = w*r*z scene
EFnet also had #buzz and #psycle communities as well as some electronic music making communities.
+ Espernet = tracker & chip scene (channels like #botb, #renoise, #inpuj...)
(oh that bbcode fail)
dont forget to mention the huge minecraft-scene on espernet ;)
well, I'm pretty sure half of it is made of guys from #modarchive and other tracker channels.
EFnet != Warezscene, that was 12+ years ago EFnet is more like a collection of 1337 while IRCNet has taken DALnets place as the wankernet.
EFnet already got channels like #// a decade ago and it was a nice place to meet very good musicians back then...