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farbrausch demo tools open source

category: code [glöplog]
wz3 - just a question for possibility
- to change (precalc loader bar) to an other (example : little scene) ?
and ( to add a comment OP )

added on the 2012-05-07 08:07:35 by quickyman quickyman
here's a trick question - as far as i understand the older stuff is not in the package because of legal reasons. still, i'd like to see HD versions of fr08/fr019 at some point. do those intros still compile? :)
added on the 2012-05-07 09:05:53 by Gargaj Gargaj
lol gargaj. but hmmm. fr-08 in HD? i'd do it. but i'd remake it. shouldn't be that hard.

quickyman ofc you can change the bar. what you have is time and progress as paramters. just damn code a lil effect setup for example a spinning cube or something and draw it. there you have it. no need to comment tho.
added on the 2012-05-07 11:08:59 by yumeji yumeji
thanks. It was just a question, because i seen that on other demos.
added on the 2012-05-07 13:52:57 by quickyman quickyman
yeah... FR-08 HD EXPANSION PACK!!!
500% more polygons, 200% more texture space, 5% more reverb!
added on the 2012-05-07 15:50:56 by el mal el mal
anybody knows a good algo or workaround to get some simple bump mapping where there's no direct light only the ambient?! i coded the thing to shoot straight and tryed to figure some stuff out all day but just noticed that lil bad flaw in the light design.

do i need to recode the static light ops? they do nothing. ugh... cool. may be the point to throw the lighting system all over. will sure be fun for the next days. :D
added on the 2012-05-07 23:05:03 by yumeji yumeji
if light has no direction, or comes from everywhere it's a constant factor, and it doesn't depend on a surface's direction. Maybe you need ambient occlusion that takes normals into account.
added on the 2012-05-07 23:44:44 by xernobyl xernobyl
ahh thx xernobyl. that helps. just thought thru it. ;)

so i'll do dp3 the texture normal to the surface normal and get some fake surface orientation occlusion for the ambient. if i'd mul the heightmap i'd even get the surface depth occlusion kinda faked.
added on the 2012-05-08 00:32:28 by yumeji yumeji
still dunno why this wasn't in there in the first place. it looks kinda easy. still doesn't work even on 2.0 shaders. :/

i guess those guys left some fun for us. :D
added on the 2012-05-08 00:45:17 by yumeji yumeji
yumeji: use ambient probe (use a small cubemap and pic the color with your pixel normal)
added on the 2012-05-08 11:55:45 by replay replay
maybe later. wanna dev and test that thorough. will see how it looks like that. and ofc i know some techniques. static "radiosity" per vertex, sector light volume, and ofc ambient cubes gonna make that run fast to recumpute. not gonna do lightmaps ofc. too much time to calc.
added on the 2012-05-08 12:26:16 by yumeji yumeji
has anyone tried the extrude op in wz4? apparently, it discards initial selection and, as i said before, selects the newly created faces which makes it really ahrd to create insets for multiple extrusions (things like making 'windows' in a building).

i tried to play with the extrude op code in wz4_mesh.cpp, but to no avail this far...
i guess this section must be responsible for updating selection (as the note suggests):

// update selection
sFORALL (Vertices,v)
v->Select = 0.0f;
sFORALL (Faces,f)
f->Select = (_i>=originalfacecount)?1.0f:0.0f;

any ideas?
you're free to modify that in your local version, however i won't change that behavior in the main line since existing data files assume this is what extrude does.
added on the 2012-05-08 17:03:51 by ryg ryg
many thanks for the answer, but i don't see clearly what to change exactly. if i follow the functions i soon get lost in code :( perhaps some hint?
Skinnytorus: put an "if (foo)" around the lines you've posted, make foo a function parameter (and name it better), fix call in corresponding .ops file by adding a bool property that's true by default -> done. And it even won't break existing files because the old behavior is default. :)

(and no, I don't know if the original faces stay at the same place in the face array, and I certainly don't want to find out. It's open source, fix it yourself (TM) :D)
added on the 2012-05-08 18:10:02 by kb_ kb_
thanks for the hint.
i already tried remming out these lines completely, and then the extrude op leaves nothing selected after it. such behaviour makes me doubt that if() will help. there must be some other place in code where the inclusion of original faces in selection is controlled.
but where...?
huh? aren't new vertices and faces usually attached to the end? haven't looked at the code right now. but if it is, that way the offsets for face selction should still be the same. it's just a selection thing.....

btw. what's the purpose of that desktop like interface in wz3. i'm using the fullscreen window ever since but just hit the buttons to see that today. i guess this what the purpose of the appheaders is. what'd you wanted to do with this. some more small baked tools. :D
added on the 2012-05-09 00:54:43 by yumeji yumeji
that was just done early to test the infrastructure for pop-up windows and the like. the op browser is the main user of that functionality, but it was written later. :)
added on the 2012-05-09 02:46:24 by ryg ryg
yeah okay. i've seen the gui file browser and the other windows in the 08 compile. so that extending into a workbench could probably do some more. like really sub-tool windows or something. it's a good structure.

i'm really getting into that tool gui design. things i usually don't do. will see if i cna clean that up.

btw. reminds me of that ms2000 invitation. was kinda like that. ;)
added on the 2012-05-09 03:02:03 by yumeji yumeji
maybe it's all about sorting? probably the sorting algorithm leaves the original faces out of range in the face array? Could that be?

As for the abiity to use the modified extrude op, one possibility may be to duplicate it in the whole structure and name it something like Extrude2, update the player, and the exising data files should then work as expected. all i need to know is how to make the extrude op leave just the original faces selected.

unfortunately, i don't have enough c++ knowledge deal with these arrays... maybe someone could look into the code and pin down the problem for me?
thank you.
theme : wz3
subdivide op under mini-mesh section (possible to add?)
under norm mesh is it available. thanks
added on the 2012-05-10 13:05:08 by quickyman quickyman
Hey ryg,
is it possible to add executables (werkkzeug3, player_demo and player_intro) to the github repository so non-programmers can play with it?
That would be great.
added on the 2012-05-15 11:27:05 by erbsen erbsen
i'll do. but i'm not yet finished. still things to fix and small features to add. i'm not a pro coder.. you know?!

meanwhile play with the 4.. huh? ;)
added on the 2012-05-15 12:31:19 by yumeji yumeji
correction: not "i'll" but "i'd". *headnods*
added on the 2012-05-15 12:39:57 by yumeji yumeji
erbsen: there's little point. you need to change the source code to make anything shippable.
added on the 2012-05-15 15:51:59 by ryg ryg


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