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Revision 2012

category: parties [glöplog]
Crap, I'll better start working on a plot right now
added on the 2012-04-19 17:18:11 by d0DgE d0DgE
that's pretty sad ferris. here, let me help you

<img src="http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/how_it_works.png">

: P
better yet


fuck bbcode when I'm in a hurry.
metoikos: that's not funny, it's the TRUTH XD
added on the 2012-04-19 18:29:31 by ferris ferris
ever heard of sarcasm? : D
"Wow, xkcd fails at being funny."
added on the 2012-04-19 18:31:24 by Tomoya Tomoya
"Wow, vodka fails at not bruising my brain cells."
just get on the HØKER SNAPS, that will murder your brain!

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added on the 2012-04-19 20:20:07 by farfar farfar
I thought that was the everyday schnaps?
added on the 2012-04-19 20:41:30 by D.Fox D.Fox
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added on the 2012-04-19 20:55:39 by el mal el mal
D.Fox: not only is it the everyday schnapps, it's the golden and mild everyday schnapps!

actually, if I had brought Høker and not Linje this year, maybe I wouldn't have gone home early =) .. but all that working on the demo got me a bit tired, I must confess.

added on the 2012-04-19 21:05:06 by farfar farfar
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added on the 2012-04-19 21:07:14 by curt_cool curt_cool
added on the 2012-04-19 21:10:00 by dwarf dwarf
Well, I didn't get any golden and mild everyday schnapps! That's intolerable!
added on the 2012-04-19 21:21:34 by Madame Madame
Madame: you'll have to come to TRSAC! ^_^
added on the 2012-04-19 21:30:30 by farfar farfar
TRSAC is definitely on my list :)
added on the 2012-04-19 21:49:09 by Madame Madame
I'm all thirsty now - thank you very much!
added on the 2012-04-19 21:55:38 by Puryx Puryx
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added on the 2012-04-19 22:09:06 by response response

I uploaded a HD version of that from last year's ESC final and it's not even hit 500 views. I guess HD is overrated. A year previously I uploaded one of him just reading out the scores from Sweden. That's got 80k views... *shrug*

added on the 2012-04-20 16:44:37 by cgi cgi
My party report would be rather boring, but it did start out with a slight scare:

Tuesday - 16:15
- park car at E-Werk
- Where is everyone? I thought the arrival time was 16:00?

- dfox and styxx arrive

I was beginning to panic a little, thinking I'd gotten the date wrong. ;)
added on the 2012-04-21 19:23:38 by Steltek Steltek
Buildup ceremony was slightly delayed, sorry ;-)
added on the 2012-04-22 19:29:48 by D.Fox D.Fox
at least many ppl should thank jessika for meeting a girl in real life with an erotic charisma... (ruberdolls and youporn doesnt count folks)
added on the 2012-04-23 12:48:42 by _docd _docd
Aww docd you are too kind.. 'erotic charisma' lololol.. Feast your ears on an erotic tune :)
added on the 2012-04-23 13:32:32 by jESSiKA jESSiKA
Let's hope, folks don't have to be restrained to these things like poor Douglas xD
added on the 2012-04-23 13:51:53 by d0DgE d0DgE
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added on the 2012-04-23 14:04:50 by _docd _docd


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