Revision 2012
category: parties [glöplog]
Good morning Revision! Thanks for the stream<3
Streams are working fine, yay!. I dunno if they ease or aggravate the pain of not being there though...
yeah! streaming is fixed!
nice job revision 2012 organizer team! :)
nice job revision 2012 organizer team! :)
the 1280*720 stream is VERY blocky - wrong scale or something?
it looks perfectly from where im sitting!
what nico said
Still blocky here. Like for every 32 pixels or something there seems to be some interpolation error. both on tablet and pc. Scaling the window doesn't help.
Og i øvrigt HEJ dernede :-)
Og i øvrigt HEJ dernede :-)
dav :)
Haha styrt pylle.
martin hold din fede kæft!
Hahaha du er min øjesten Anders
Jeg ser Helsingør - Helsingborg C på DR HD. Se DET er en feh stream :-)
Hej med jer.
Dr. Housefinger og mr. trainspotter
Jeg er allerede deprimeret over at jeg ikke er i .de.
Nu holder vi i Landskrona. Kedeligt.
Gå ud til infodesk og smil til cam
sitting at the airport, enjoying 30 minutes of free wifi. when it's over, I'll have a beer or two and wait for the shuttle.
see you very soon
see you very soon
stream works fine here. i see people with ugly hats.

Twitter folks, please use the hashtag #revision_party so we can achieve pure search results.
Everything was better when people still brought their CRTs and towers.
The Normal Quality and HD Quality stream are definately not synched! Which is behind?
Finally got connected to wlan. Thanks to the organizers who fixed the wireless network.