Revision quiz. Might be happening. Need fluent French and Swedish speakers
category: parties [glöplog]
It's not 100% definite yet, cause I'm *really* racked for ideas this time, but if the revision quiz is on, for one round I need 2 people, one whose first language is French, and one whose first language is Swedish. You just need to come up on stage and read some stuff on a card. Nothing scary. It's the contestants who have to do the scary bit.
Any volunteers, email I'll organise a short rehearsal so you know what you're doing.
It's not 100% definite yet, cause I'm *really* racked for ideas this time, but if the revision quiz is on, for one round I need 2 people, one whose first language is French, and one whose first language is Swedish. You just need to come up on stage and read some stuff on a card. Nothing scary. It's the contestants who have to do the scary bit.
Any volunteers, email I'll organise a short rehearsal so you know what you're doing.
if you do a quiz, make sure to involve the audience - every question etc should be on display on the bigscreen and the audience should be able to alter the outcome (e.g. help answer or confuse the contestants). Also the level of involvement will vary from the audience at the front and at the back - the ones at the back needs something really visible in order not just to get annoyed; it's hard to see the people on the stage, thus it just sounds like someone being annoying with a microphone unless there is something that explains what is going on...
sorry about the rant, but having helped doing a quiz or two for a small audience and having experienced the quiz at revision last year (from way back in the hall) those are my well meant two cents...
sorry about the rant, but having helped doing a quiz or two for a small audience and having experienced the quiz at revision last year (from way back in the hall) those are my well meant two cents...
there will be more audience participation this year. There will be a round along the lines of the arm-wrestling jugglers this year, and I'm planning on something else.
Bare in mind that anything that requires too much setup isn't likely to happen - the Revision orgas are busy as it is without me making huge demands of them. For years I've considered setting up some sort of web-voting system for the music rounds, but it's not really that implementable in a sane way, so I just get people to make some noise :-)
Bare in mind that anything that requires too much setup isn't likely to happen - the Revision orgas are busy as it is without me making huge demands of them. For years I've considered setting up some sort of web-voting system for the music rounds, but it's not really that implementable in a sane way, so I just get people to make some noise :-)
Also, if anyone's got any great ideas, send them to After doing eight "odd one out" rounds now, the list of "interesting facts which 3 demos have in common and one opposite" is getting rather thin :-)
what if fluent french & swedish speaker? the two languages are basicly the same anyway...
et mon viech toi
there was a quiz at last years revision?
yes, very silent quizz
Yes there was a quiz, which was great, especially the section that nobody understood how it worked! Oh and the karaoke!
Not a native speaker, but my french is pretty good ;)
to lazy to mail but i can speak Swedish
Here you are:
The fluent French

and the swedish speakers:

The fluent French

and the swedish speakers:

let the games begin!
there was a quiz at last years revision?
yes, very silent quizz
Speaking of this, please make sure the sound works this year, last year it was hard to follow cause the sound was ... well .. not good
I don't mind speaking Swedish and loudly, but I may be busy prodding.
I've had Frankie come forwards as someone fluent in French, but it would be better if the speaker was native. Judging by the number of french flags on the "who's coming" page on the revision website, there MUST be a French person willing to come forwards. Maybe I should comment on "l'élections françaises" page (have they had that bloody election yet?).
Without giving too much away, the only people "getting" the comedy in these rounds will be people who understand the language until it's given away afterwards. It would be better if the helper spoke with a perfect accent. For the rest of you, you will just have to accept that whatever the contestant said was utterly inappropriate, and there will be a French/Swedish person pissing themselves on stage.
For the record, I can find my way around in France, and can just about operate myself in a Swedish supermarket, so I'm doing most of these translations myself - the people who help me here may be asked to check my translations, and in a couple of cases offer rephrasings to avoid a couple of pitfalls.
As for the sound, I'll have a word with the orgas. The main issue is lack of mics. One mic per desk means the contestants have to lean over to speak and often don't get close enough. I can hear it myself and often question them by repeating what they've said, but it's not good. Some of the rounds are designed to get banter going between them, and you miss that stuff if you're at the back. I'll speak to the orgas about more mics.
Without giving too much away, the only people "getting" the comedy in these rounds will be people who understand the language until it's given away afterwards. It would be better if the helper spoke with a perfect accent. For the rest of you, you will just have to accept that whatever the contestant said was utterly inappropriate, and there will be a French/Swedish person pissing themselves on stage.
For the record, I can find my way around in France, and can just about operate myself in a Swedish supermarket, so I'm doing most of these translations myself - the people who help me here may be asked to check my translations, and in a couple of cases offer rephrasings to avoid a couple of pitfalls.
As for the sound, I'll have a word with the orgas. The main issue is lack of mics. One mic per desk means the contestants have to lean over to speak and often don't get close enough. I can hear it myself and often question them by repeating what they've said, but it's not good. Some of the rounds are designed to get banter going between them, and you miss that stuff if you're at the back. I'll speak to the orgas about more mics.
perhaps they can help you out with one of these:

Don't worry! As i said in the revision thread i still have one of these, they are much better:
I'll bring it to revision to use it in case of emergency ^^
I'll bring it to revision to use it in case of emergency ^^