My new home.
category: residue [glöplog]

Location: University. Hamburg. Germany.
We'll celebrate this on Saturday. If kb comes, he gets a free beer. And a warm handshake. Everyone else pays for their drinks. (We need money :))
Hmmm! Will kb come, redeem his free beer offer and get in touch with the latest happenings in good old Hamburg? Follow the news and you will know!
what's that?
when and where exactly? there are too many campii in hamburg ;)
wth is this all about if I may ask?
Looks like Occupy the Shed.
Looks lovely.
Portable Toilet Liberation Front.
what's that?
A revolutionary camp. For a world with free love and sex and housing and art and without money and and without poverty and without boredom.
when and where exactly? there are too many campii in hamburg ;)
Well the main university of course (just in front of the "Audi Max") :]
wth is this all about if I may ask?
It's a revolutionary camp. Also it's a mobile house that I live in. Because Hamburg has a real, real, real, REAL problem with housing. We are solving that problem.
Looks like Occupy the Shed.
Looks lovely.
Thank you sir. Just like your lovely women one might add.
Portable Toilet Liberation Front.
Well not quite (yet). For now we use the university's toilets (and trees). I am very very very much hoping to get some electricity soon. Really really hopefully this week. I want to blog from inside. Meditation is great, but meditation w/Internet is even more fun. :)
btw, I am still there - 2 weeks + 5 days. And it doesn't look like it's soon. Or at all. Ha! :)
And it doesn't look like it's soon.
This should have read: And it doesn't look like it's ENDING soon.
Also it's a mobile house that I live in. Because Hamburg has a real, real, real, REAL problem with housing. We are solving that problem.
So, why not use an official camping site instead?
It's a revolutionary camp. Also it's a mobile house that I live in. Because Hamburg has a real, real, real, REAL problem with housing. We are solving that problem.
I don't want to upset you but...
How exactly are you going to solve that problem by putting one small trailer house without toilets and electricity on the universitys campus?
Occupy Street Corner?
i hope you don't offer your common "sexual healing" in there? =)
How exactly are you going to solve that problem by putting one small trailer house without toilets and electricity on the universitys campus?
Some people just can't see paths. You really don't see the path? Really? You're not upsetting me - just making me pity your apparent lack of brainpower.
i hope you don't offer your common "sexual healing" in there?
So you're against healing? Then you must be an evil person. Evil people are not interesting or worth listening to. Why should I listen to you?
Also, as a matter of fact, everyone should offer sexual healing everywhere. Why are you late in the game?